Compute environment


Per Unneberg




To run exercises on UPPMAX you need an account. You can apply for an account here.

We will primarily be using Uppsala’s high-performance computing (HPC) center UPPMAX to run exercises. Course material will be hosted in a dedicated course project directory /proj/naiss2023-22-1084.

We recommend you setup a working directory based on your username in /proj/naiss2023-22-1084/users in which to run your exercises:

mkdir -p /proj/naiss2023-22-1084/users/YOURUSERNAME
cd /proj/naiss2023-22-1084/users/YOURUSERNAME

All computations should be run on a compute node. You can request an interactive session with the interactive command. For example, to request an eight hour job on 4 cores, run

interactive -A naiss2023-22-1084 -n 4 \
   --time 08:00:00 \

where # is a number that corresponds to the day of the week, starting from 1 (Monday=1, Tuesday=2, and so on).

Please do not book more than 4 cores

We have priviliged access to a limited number of nodes. Please do not book more than 4 cores or else your fellow students will experience long waiting times.

Make sure to login to a compute node before running any heavy commands


UPPMAX hosts tutorials and user guides at In particular, has information on how to connect to and work on UPPMAX.

Jupyter Notebooks

Jupyter Notebook exercises will be run in local compute environments on your laptop. See the section below on setting up a pgip conda environment, which by default installs jupyter and its dependencies.


There are some Jupyter Notebook exercises that are hosted online and run using JupyterLite which is a JupyterLab distribution that runs entirely in the browser. Apart from having a browser, no preparations are necessary. Note that some users have reported issues with Firefox and that Google Chrome may be a better solution.


Exercises that require local software installation will make use of the conda package manager to install necessary requirements from the package repositories bioconda and conda-forge. This is also the fallback solution in case there are issues with the HPC.

1. Install conda

To start using conda, follow the quick command line install instructions to install the minimal conda installer miniconda.

2. Configure conda

Configure conda to access the package repositories (see also bioconda usage). This will modify your ~/.condarc file:

conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict

Please note that the order of these commands is important! When conda config --add is run it adds the channel to the top of the list in your configuration, so your ~/.condarc will end up looking like this:

cat ~/.condarc
  - conda-forge
  - bioconda
  - defaults
channel_priority: strict

3. Create an isolated course environment

It is suggested you create and change to a isolated environment pgip dedicated to the course. The command below will create an environment named pgip and install the packages python version 3.10, an R base installation (r-base), the jupyter package that provides support for Jupyter Notebooks, an R kernel for Jupyter, and the mamba package manager.

conda create --name pgip python=3.10 r-base jupyter r-irkernel mamba
conda activate pgip

The activate command is required to access the isolated environment named pgip. Once you have activated the environment, you gain access to whatever programs are installed. To deactivate an environment you issue the command conda deactivate.

4. Install packages

Installation of packages in an environment is done with the install command, but we recommend you use the mamba package manager as it is faster (mamba is a rewrite of conda in C++). An example of how to install packages bcftools, angsd, mosdepth follows (remember to activate pgip!):

03-Nov-2023: Package errors

Some users have reported errors in that bcftools and angsd cannot be found, despite setting the proper channels. We are looking into the issue, but unless there are issues with UPPMAX, we will not need to install any additional packages apart from those that went into the creation of the pgip environment above. You can therefore treat the code below as examples only.

conda activate pgip
mamba install bcftools angsd mosdepth

or if you have packages listed in an environment file

#| label: conda-install-packages-from-environment-file
#| echo: true
#| eval: false
mamba env update -f environment.yml


Computer exercise requirements are listed in Tools callout blocks in each exercise. The Tools callout block contains listings of programs, along with package dependencies and specifications for UPPMAX and conda, whenever relevant. An example block is shown below.

Example Tools block.

Provides list of packages linked to repository, and citation when available.

Provides command and instructions to load relevant UPPMAX modules.


module load uppmax bioinfo-tools bwa/0.7.17 \

Provides a conda environment file that lists dependencies and where to retrieve them.

To install, copy the contents in the code block to a file environment.yml and install packages with mamba env update -f environment.yml.

  - conda-forge
  - bioconda
  - defauts
  - bwa=0.7.17
  - fastqc=0.12.1


Li, H. (2013). Aligning sequence reads, clone sequences and assembly contigs with BWA-MEM. arXiv:1303.3997 [q-Bio].