Genetic diversity

Theory and practice

Per Unneberg



Genetic diversity

What determines diversity levels?

The usual questions:

What evolutionary forces maintain genetic diversity in natural populations? How do diversity levels relate to census population sizes…? Do low levels of diversity limit adaptation to selective pressures?

Leffler et al. (2012)

After allozyme era, the study of genetic diversity was largely neglected due to lack of genome-wide data, but with advent of population genomics becoming a hot topic again.

Ellegren & Galtier (2016)

Lewontin’s paradox: genetic diversity range smaller than variation among species in population size

Factors that influence genetic diversity

Figure 1: Overview of determinants of genetic diversity (Ellegren & Galtier, 2016, Fig 2)

Genetic drift

Reduces diversity at loss \(\propto \frac{1}{N}\)


Adaptive selection decreases variation, more so if acting on new mutations compared to standing variation.

Balancing selection may increase variation.


Low recombination rates lead to less “reshuffling” of variation and hence lower diversity.

Why we measure patterns of genetic variation

Genetic variation patterns are informative of evolutionary and demographic processes. We often use summary statistics to describe the patterns, and to estimate parameters such as effective population size and mutation rate from genetic variation data (\(\theta = 4N_e\mu\))

Often critical first step of analysis, such as

  • exploratory study
  • test of an evolutionary hypothesis
  • training of machine-learning models

Genetic diversity in conservation biology

Kuderna et al. (2023), Fig 2

…no global relationship between numerically coded IUCN extinction risk categories and estimated heterozygosity…

Low genetic diversity symptom of past genetic drift inbreeding (higher levels of homozygosity), caused by low \(N_e\)

García-Dorado & Caballero (2021)

However: if population decline is rapid, may be too little time for inbreeding to occur \(\Rightarrow\) genetic diversity within species not necessarily aligned to extinction risk

Lewis (2023)

Measuring genetic diversity

Nucleotide diversity

sample 0:   00100
sample 1:   00001
sample 2:   01010
sample 3:   10010

Diversity: for each site, count and sum differences between all (unique) pairs of samples, and divide by unique pairs. For \(n\) samples, there are \(n \choose 2\) such pairs.

Example: for site 0, start comparing samples 0-1 (0 diffs), samples 0-2 (0), samples 0-3 (1), samples 1-2 (0) and so on. Call these differences \(k_{ij}\). Then

\[ \pi = \frac{\sum_{i<j}k_{ij}}{n \choose 2} \]

20: 0010041: 0000112: 0101003: 100103

Watterson’s \(\theta_W\)

sample 0:   00100
sample 1:   00001
sample 2:   01010
sample 3:   10010

Alternative measure of diversity: simply count the number of segregating sites (\(S\)). However, must correct for the number of samples \(n\) as we expect that more samples \(\Rightarrow\) more sites

\[ \theta_W = \frac{S}{a} = \frac{S}{\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}\frac{1}{i}} \]

Important: under neutrality, \(\theta = E(\pi) = E(\theta_W)\). Difference between two the basis for Tajima’s D that is a test for selection

20: 0010041: 0000112: 0101003: 100103

Tree plot with mutations and sequences

Calculating diversity measures - \(\pi\) and \(\theta_W\)

sample 0:   00100
sample 1:   00001
sample 2:   01010
sample 3:   10010
from trees import ts_small_mut as ts

# Calculate correction factor a for Watterson's
# theta: the larger the sample size, the more
# segregating sites we expect to see
a = sum([1/i for i in range(1, ts.num_samples)])

pi = ts.diversity()
thetaW = ts.num_sites / a / ts.sequence_length

print(f"Diversity:           {pi:.6f}",
      f"Watterson's theta:   {thetaW:.6f}",
      f"Sequence length:     {ts.sequence_length:.0f}",
Diversity:           0.000267
Watterson's theta:   0.000273
Sequence length:     10000
Genome position01000020: 0010041: 0000112: 0101003: 100103

Tree plot with mutations and sequences

Divergence - dXY

sample 0:   00100
sample 1:   00001
sample 2:   01010
sample 3:   10010

Divergence: for each site, count and sum differences between all pairs of samples between two populations

Example: for site 0, compare samples 0-2 (0 diffs), samples 0-3 (1 diff), samples 1-2 (0 diffs), samples 1-3 (1 diff), and so on. Call differences \(k_ij\), let \(n_X\), \(n_Y\) be sample size in populations \(X\), \(Y\). Then

\[ d_{XY} = \frac{1}{n_Xn_Y}\sum_{i=1}^{n_X}\sum_{i=1}^{n_Y}k_{ij} \]

20: 0010041: 0000112: 0101003: 100103

Tree plot with mutations and sequences

Divergence - dXY

sample 0:   00100
sample 1:   00001
sample 2:   01010
sample 3:   10010
from trees import ts_small_mut as ts

sample_sets = [[0, 1], [2, 3]]

dxy = ts.divergence(sample_sets=sample_sets)

print(f"Divergence:   {dxy:.6f}")
Divergence:   0.000300
20: 0010041: 0000112: 0101003: 100103

Tree plot with mutations and sequences

Differentiation - AFD (allele frequency difference)

sample 0:   00100
sample 1:   00001
sample 2:   01010
sample 3:   10010

Allele Frequency Difference (AFD) proposed as intuitive alternative to \(F_{\mathrm{ST}}\). For each site, count the difference in allele frequency between two populations.

Example: site 0, frequency in blue is 0, in black 1/2, so difference=1/2, site 1, frequency in blue 0, in black 1/2, and so on

\[ AFD = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^n| (f_{i1} - f_{i2})| \]

where \(n\) is the number of different alleles (\(n=2\) for biallelic SNPs), \(f_{ij}\) is the frequency of allele \(i\) in population \(j\)

Berner (2019)

20: 0010041: 0000112: 0101003: 100103

Tree plot with mutations and sequences

Differentiation - \(F_{\mathrm{ST}}\)

sample 0:   00100
sample 1:   00001
sample 2:   01010
sample 3:   10010

\(F_{\mathrm{ST}}\) is another measure of differention among subpopulations (Wright, 1931). It ranges between 0 and 1 and has the interpretation 0: no differentiation, 1: complete fixation of alternate alleles in subpopulations

Example: site 3 has \(F_{\mathrm{ST}}\)=1 as it is fixed in black, not present in blue

There are many ways to express and calculate \(F_{\mathrm{ST}}\). Example:

\[ F_{\mathrm{ST}} = \frac{h_{\mathrm{T}} - h_{\mathrm{S}}}{h_{\mathrm{T}}} \]

where \(h_{\mathrm{T}}\) is the expected heterozygosity in the total population, \(h_{\mathrm{S}}\) the average of expected heterozygosities across subpopulations. For site 3, \(h_{\mathrm{S}}=0\), \(h_{\mathrm{T}}=2/3\).

Caveats: strongly influenced by within subpopulation levels of variation. Therefore considered relative measure (cf \(d_{\mathrm{XY}}\), which is an absolute measure).

20: 0010041: 0000112: 0101003: 100103

Tree plot with mutations and sequences

Differentiation - \(F_{\mathrm{ST}}\)

sample 0:   00100
sample 1:   00001
sample 2:   01010
sample 3:   10010
from trees import ts_small_mut as ts

sample_sets = [[0, 1], [2, 3]]
win = [0] + [int(x.position)+1 for x in ts.sites()]
_ = win.pop()
win = win + [ts.sequence_length]

fst = ts.Fst(sample_sets=sample_sets)
fst_sites = ts.Fst(sample_sets=sample_sets,

print(f"Site id:       {list(range(5))}",
      f"Fst per site:  {fst_sites}",
      f"Overall Fst:   {fst:.6f}",
Site id:       [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Fst per site:  [0. 0. 0. 1. 0.]
Overall Fst:   0.200000
Genome position01000020: 0010041: 0000112: 0101003: 100103

Tree plot with mutations and sequences

Many programs treat missing data as invariant

Korunes & Samuk (2021), Fig 1


\[ \pi = \frac{\sum_{i<j}k_{ij}}{n \choose 2} \]


\[ d_{XY} = \frac{1}{n_Xn_Y}\sum_{i=1}^{n_X}\sum_{j=1}^{n_Y}k_{ij} \]

Here, \(n\) is the number of samples, \(k_{ij}\) tally of allelic differences between two haplotypes within (\(\pi\)) a population or between (\(d_{XY}\)) populations

Missing data may bias diversity measures downwards

Korunes & Samuk (2021), Fig 4

Nucleotide diversity landscapes

vcftools --gzvcf allsites.vcf.gz --window-pi 1000
csvtk plot line --tabs out.windowed.pi -x BIN_START -y PI \
   --point-size 0.01 --xlab "Position (bp)" \
   --ylab "Diversity" --title LG4 --width 9.0 --height 3.5 \
   > out.windowed.pi.png

On genome scans

Genetic basis of adaptation and genome scans

Fundamental questions:

  • How many genes are involved in the evolution of adaptive traits?
  • What is the distribution of phenotypic effects among successive allelic substitutions?
  • Is adaptation typically based on standing variation or new mutations?
  • What is the relative importance of additive vs. nonadditive effects on adaptive trait variation?
  • And what is the relative importance of structural vs. regulatory changes in phenotypic evolution?

Storz (2005), Fig 1


vcftools --gzvcf allsites.vcf.gz --weir-fst-pop PUN-Y.txt \
   --weir-fst-pop PUN-R.txt \
   --fst-window-size 1000
csvtk plot line --tabs \
   --point-size 2 --xlab "Position (bp)" \
   --ylab "Fst" --title "LG4: PUN-Y vs PUN-R" \
   --width 9.0 --height 3.5 --scatter \

Z-scores can help identifying outliers

data <- read.table("", header = TRUE)
x <- data$MEAN_FST
z <- (x - mean(x))/sd(x)
plot(x = data$BIN_START, y = z, xlab = "Position (bp)")

Raw data can be converted to Z-scores to highlight outliers. A Z-score is a measure of how far a data point is from the mean in terms of the number of standard deviations:

\[ Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma} \]

Threshold of a couple of standard deviations common.

LD decay and choice of window size

Properties of genetic variation and inferred demographic history in sampled A. millepora. Fuller et al. (2020), Figure 2. Upper left plot illustrates LD as a function of physical distance. Here, choosing a window size 20-30kb would ensure that most windows are independent.


csvtk filter2 --tabs annotation.gff --filter ' $3 == "CDS" ' |\
 csvtk mutate2 --tabs -H -e '$4 - 12000000' -w 0 |\
 csvtk mutate2 --tabs -H -e '$5 - 12000000' -w 0 |\
 csvtk cut --tabs --fields 1,10,11 | bedtools sort | bedtools merge \
    > CDS.bed 2>/dev/null
head -n 3 CDS.bed
LG4 12032   12121
LG4 12214   12658
LG4 12774   12830
pixy --vcf allsites.vcf.gz --stats pi \
 --populations populations.txt \
 --output_prefix cds --bed_file CDS.bed
pixy --vcf allsites.vcf.gz --stats pi \
 --populations populations.txt --window_size 1000 \
 --output_prefix all
csvtk summary --tabs -i -g pop \
   -f avg_pi:mean cds_pi.txt -w 5
pop avg_pi:mean
PUN-R   0.00391
PUN-Y   0.00516
csvtk summary --tabs -i -g pop \
   -f avg_pi:mean all_pi.txt -w 5
pop avg_pi:mean
PUN-R   0.00796
PUN-Y   0.01129

Genome diversity and differentiation landscapes

Dissecting differentiation landscapes

Burri (2017) Fig. 1

Monkeyflower genomic landscape

Stankowski et al. (2019) Fig. 1



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Burri, R. (2017). Dissecting differentiation landscapes: A linked selection’s perspective. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 30(8), 1501–1505.
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Lewis, D. (2023). Biggest ever study of primate genomes has surprises for humanity. Nature.
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Stankowski, S., Chase, M. A., Fuiten, A. M., Rodrigues, M. F., Ralph, P. L., & Streisfeld, M. A. (2019). Widespread selection and gene flow shape the genomic landscape during a radiation of monkeyflowers. PLOS Biology, 17(7), e3000391.
Storz, J. F. (2005). INVITED REVIEW: Using genome scans of DNA polymorphism to infer adaptive population divergence. Molecular Ecology, 14(3), 671–688.
Wright, S. (1931). Evolution in Mendelian Populations. Genetics, 16(2), 97–159.