
Primer on the coalescent and forward simulation

Per Unneberg



Intended learning outcomes

Introduction to the coalescent and simulation in msprime, with two exercises on the coalescent and msprime. The students should be able to:

  • Describe need for simulations
  • Demonstrate the coalescent step by step
  • Detail some properties of coalescent trees
  • Define the site-frequency spectrum
  • Describe the coalescent with recombination
  • Perform simple simulations in msprime

The Wright-Fisher model and simulations

Figure 1: Wright-Fisher model for 50 generations, 30 individuals


Model of a population describing genealogies under the following assumptions

  • discrete and non-overlapping generations
  • haploid individuals or two subpopulations (males and females)
  • constant population size
  • all individuals are equally fit
  • population has no geographical or social structure
  • no recombination

Forward simulation

The Wright-Fisher model and simulations

Figure 2: Wright-Fisher model for 50 generations, 30 individuals

Figure 3: Reproductive success in percent per generation.

Mean reproductive success = 63.4%. Can show for large populations P(no descendants)=\(1 - e^{-1} \approx 0.632\)

Forward and backward simulation

Figure 4: Forward simulation.

Figure 5: Backward simulation.

Simulated nodes are filled with black. Genealogy of interest is highlighted in thick black lines.

Why do we want simulations anyway?

Null model
Generate neutral null distributions to compare with observed data
Use to gain understanding and improve interpretation of mutational processes
Mathematical complexity
No analytical solutions for linked selection and the like \(\rightarrow\) must use simulations
Use to generate test data with known properties on which to test and evaluate new methods
Model training
Generate training data for machine learning, e.g., Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) or Neural Networks (NNs)

The coalescent

Coalescent simulations

The coalescent simulates the genealogy of a sample of individuals on which mutations are “sprinkled” according to a Poisson process.

  1. Simulate ancestry (genealogy)

Coalescent simulations

The coalescent simulates the genealogy of a sample of individuals on which mutations are “sprinkled” according to a Poisson process.

  1. Simulate ancestry (genealogy)
  2. Simulate mutations

Coalescent simulations

The coalescent simulates the genealogy of a sample of individuals on which mutations are “sprinkled” according to a Poisson process.

  1. Simulate ancestry (genealogy)
  2. Simulate mutations


How many mutations are common to all samples? How many mutations does sample 1 have? Sample 2?

Assuming the ancestral state is denoted 0 (prior to the first generation) and the derived state 1, what are the sequences of the samples?

Simulating genealogies (Hahn, 2019, p. 115)

  1. Start with \(i=n\) chromosomes

Simulating genealogies (Hahn, 2019, p. 115)

  1. Start with \(i=n\) chromosomes

  2. Choose time to next coalescent event from an exponential distribution with parameter \(\lambda=i(i-1)/2\)

Simulating genealogies (Hahn, 2019, p. 115)

  1. Start with \(i=n\) chromosomes

  2. Choose time to next coalescent event from an exponential distribution with parameter \(\lambda=i(i-1)/2\)

  3. Choose two chromosomes at random to coalesce

Simulating genealogies (Hahn, 2019, p. 115)

  1. Start with \(i=n\) chromosomes

  2. Choose time to next coalescent event from an exponential distribution with parameter \(\lambda=i(i-1)/2\)

  3. Choose two chromosomes at random to coalesce

  4. Merge the two lineages and set \(i \rightarrow i - 1\)

Simulating genealogies (Hahn, 2019, p. 115)

  1. Start with \(i=n\) chromosomes
  2. Choose time to next coalescent event from an exponential distribution with parameter \(\lambda=i(i-1)/2\)
  3. Choose two chromosomes at random to coalesce
  4. Merge the two lineages and set \(i \rightarrow i - 1\)
  5. If \(i>1\), go to step 2; if not, stop.

Simulating genealogies (Hahn, 2019, p. 115)

  1. Start with \(i=n\) chromosomes
  2. Choose time to next coalescent event from an exponential distribution with parameter \(\lambda=i(i-1)/2\)
  3. Choose two chromosomes at random to coalesce
  4. Merge the two lineages and set \(i \rightarrow i - 1\)
  5. If \(i>1\), go to step 2; if not, stop.

Simulating genealogies (Hahn, 2019, p. 115)

  1. Start with \(i=n\) chromosomes
  2. Choose time to next coalescent event from an exponential distribution with parameter \(\lambda=i(i-1)/2\)
  3. Choose two chromosomes at random to coalesce
  4. Merge the two lineages and set \(i \rightarrow i - 1\)
  5. If \(i>1\), go to step 2; if not, stop.

Simulating genealogies (Hahn, 2019, p. 115)

  1. Start with \(i=n\) chromosomes
  2. Choose time to next coalescent event from an exponential distribution with parameter \(\lambda=i(i-1)/2\)
  3. Choose two chromosomes at random to coalesce
  4. Merge the two lineages and set \(i \rightarrow i - 1\)
  5. If \(i>1\), go to step 2; if not, stop.

Simulating genealogies (Hahn, 2019, p. 115)

  1. Start with \(i=n\) chromosomes
  2. Choose time to next coalescent event from an exponential distribution with parameter \(\lambda=i(i-1)/2\)
  3. Choose two chromosomes at random to coalesce
  4. Merge the two lineages and set \(i \rightarrow i - 1\)
  5. If \(i>1\), go to step 2; if not, stop.

Simulating genealogies (Hahn, 2019, p. 115)

  1. Start with \(i=n\) chromosomes
  2. Choose time to next coalescent event from an exponential distribution with parameter \(\lambda=i(i-1)/2\)
  3. Choose two chromosomes at random to coalesce
  4. Merge the two lineages and set \(i \rightarrow i - 1\)
  5. If \(i>1\), go to step 2; if not, stop.

Simulating genealogies (Hahn, 2019, p. 115)

  1. Start with \(i=n\) chromosomes
  2. Choose time to next coalescent event from an exponential distribution with parameter \(\lambda=i(i-1)/2\)\(^1\)
  3. Choose two chromosomes at random to coalesce
  4. Merge the two lineages and set \(i \rightarrow i - 1\)
  5. If \(i>1\), go to step 2; if not, stop.

\(^1\): The exponential can be parametrized in two different ways, so that the parameter to the function is either \(\lambda\) or \(\beta=1/\lambda\).

Simulating genealogies (Hahn, 2019, p. 115)

  1. Start with \(i=n\) chromosomes
  2. Choose time to next coalescent event from an exponential distribution with parameter \(\lambda=i(i-1)/2\)\(^1\)
  3. Choose two chromosomes at random to coalesce
  4. Merge the two lineages and set \(i \rightarrow i - 1\)
  5. If \(i>1\), go to step 2; if not, stop.

\(^1\): The exponential can be parametrized in two different ways, so that the parameter to the function is either \(\lambda\) or \(\beta=1/\lambda\).

Figure 6: A simulated genealogy. The \(T_i\) represent the waiting time when the state has \(i\) chromosomes.

Some properties of the tree

Figure 7: A coalescent tree with numbered nodes. Nodes 1-5 correspond to the samples and are leaves. The internal nodes 6-8 (and the unlabelled root) are ancestral chromosomes (unsampled). The \(T_i\) represent the waiting time when the state has \(i\) chromosomes, whereas \(\tau_i\) correspond to the branch length from node \(i\) to its parent.

Expected waiting time to coalesce when \(i\) lineages: \(E(T_i) = \frac{2}{i(i-1)}\)

Branch lengths can be derived from waiting times. For instance, \(\tau_1=\tau_2=T_5+T_4\) and \(\tau_4=\tau_5=T_5\)

Time to the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) is sum of wating times: \(T_{MRCA} = \sum_{i=2}^n T_i\)

with expected value \(E(T_{MRCA}) = \sum_{i=2}^nE(T_i) = 2\left(1 - \frac{1}{n}\right)\)

The expected total tree height is \(E(T_{total}) = \sum_{i=2}^n iE(T_i) = 2\sum_{i=2}^n\frac{1}{i-1}\)

Coalescent simulations vary in topology and height

import msprime
seeds = [12, 15, 16, 34, 63, 30]
trees = [msprime.sim_ancestry(3, random_seed=x) for x in seeds]

Examples of coalescent simulations. Note the variation in tree topology and height.

Diminishing returns of adding more samples

Figure 8: Dependence of \(E[T_{MRCA}]\) and \(E[T_{total}]\) on the sample size n. Already at low values of n the value of \(E[T_{MRCA}]\) is close to its asymptotic value, which has practical consequences for the measurement of DNA variation. Adapted from Wakeley (2008), Fig. 3.3.

Adding mutations

Figure 9: Adding mutations on a coalescent genealogy.

Mutations are added by placing them on branches, where the probability of ending up on a branch \(\tau_i\) is equal to its normalized length, where normalization is by the total tree branch length:

\[ P(\text{mutation on branch }i) = \frac{\tau_i}{\sum_j\tau_j} = \frac{\tau_i}{T_{total}} \]

The total number of segregating sites \(S\) to be thrown on the tree is modelled as a Poisson random variable which expresses the probability of a given number of events in time \(t\):

\[ S = Po(\theta/2T_{total}) \]

The coalescent and diversity

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
* * * * * *

\[ \begin{align} \pi & = \sum_{j=1}^S h_j = \sum_{j=1}^{S} \frac{n}{n-1}\left(1 - \sum_i p_i^2 \right) \\ & \stackrel{S=6,\\ n=4}{=} \sum_{j=1}^{6} \frac{4}{3}\left(1 - \sum_i p_i^2\right) \\ & = \frac{4}{3}\left(\mathbf{\color{#a7c947}{4}}\left(1-\frac{1}{16}-\frac{9}{16}\right) + \mathbf{\color{#a7c947}{2}}\left(1 - \frac{1}{4} - \frac{1}{4}\right)\right) = \frac{10}{3} \end{align} \]

In this notation one can show that \(\pi\), the nucleotide diversity, is

\[ \begin{align} \pi & = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}i(n-i)\xi_i}{n(n-1)/2} \\ & \stackrel{n=4}{=} \frac{1*(4-1)*4 + 2*(4-2)*2}{6} = \frac{10}{3} \end{align} \]

Many statistical quantities can be related to the site frequency spectrum (SFS), which is a summary of the frequencies of the segregating sites. Let \(\xi_i\) be the number of chromosomes in the sample with \(i\) minor alleles. In the example above we have \(S=6\) mutations on \(n=4\) chromosomes.

The impact of topology on the SFS





Figure 10: The SFS under neutrality and selection

Many tests for selection are based on the SFS which in turn is influenced by the topology of the tree.

Exercise on the coalescent

The coalescent with recombination

On non-recombining chromosomes and assortment

Both siblings inherit chromosome from paternal grandfather

Chromosomes coalesce at father

Siblings inherit different grandparental chromosomes \(\Rightarrow\) chromosomes coalesce God knows when in the past

Genealogies differ

The ancestral recombination graph

Y. C. Brandt et al. (2022, fig. 1a)


  • marginal trees constitute a sequence of trees (tree sequence) along a chromosome
  • each tree represents the genealogy of a non-recombining part of the chromosome
  • neighbouring trees are correlated

Interpretation: chromosomes are mosaics of non-recombining units

The ancestral recombination graph as sequence of trees

The ancestral recombination graph as a tree sequence (Baumdicker et al., 2022, fig. 5)


  • marginal trees constitute a sequence of trees (tree sequence) along a chromosome
  • each tree represents the genealogy of a non-recombining part of the chromosome
  • neighbouring trees are correlated

Interpretation: chromosomes are mosaics of non-recombining units

msprime is a fast coalescent simulator

Original coalescent simulator implementions assumed small sample sizes and could only simulate short recombining sequences. msprime was developed to address these shortcomings as today we have

  1. chromosome-level assemblies that require full treatment of recombination (very complex problem)
  2. biobank datasets consisting of 100’s of thousands of samples


  • can simulate millions of whole chromosomes
  • well-designed mature API
  • succinct data structure (tree sequences) has led to advances in forwards-time simulation
  • can be used together with forwards-time simulators


  • assumes neutrality - can’t simulate selection

msprime stores variation data as tree sequences

Tree sequences (Baumdicker et al., 2022, fig. 2)

Tree sequences compress data

Data compression (Kelleher et al., 2019, fig. 1c)

Simulating ancestry with msprime

From msprime quickstart

import msprime
# Simulate an ancestral history for 3 diploid samples under the coalescent
# with recombination on a 5kb region with human-like parameters.
ts = msprime.sim_ancestry(
Genome position0141782400150003158402691013315840269101231584026910113501784291011

Simulating mutations with msprime

import msprime
ts = msprime.sim_ancestry(
mutated_ts = msprime.sim_mutations(ts, rate=1e-8, random_seed=54321)
Genome position01417824001500031584026901013315840269110123315840262910113501784291011

msprime exercise

Forward simulation in SLiM


SLiM (Selection on Linked Mutations) (Haller & Messer, 2019) is a forwards-time simulator. As its name implies, it models selection and thus is a complement to coalescent-based simulators.

Why SLiM?

  1. flexibility - scripting language Eidos allows for modelling complex scenarios with little code
  2. performance - optimized code base
  3. GUI - interactive execution and graphical debugging

Haller & Messer (2022)

Forward simulation in SLiM

  1. Execution of first() events
  2. Execution of early() events
  3. Generation of offspring; for each offspring:
    1. Choose source subpop for parental individuals, based on migration rates
    2. Choose parent 1, based on cached fitness values
    3. Choose parent 2, based on fitness and any defined mateChoice() callbacks
    4. Generate the candidate offspring, with mutation and recombination (including mutation() and recombination() callbacks)
    5. Suppress/modify the candidate, using defined modifyChild() callbacks
  4. Removal of fixed mutations unless convertToSubstitution==F
  5. Offspring become parents
  6. Execution of late() events
  7. Fitness recalculation using mutationEffect() and fitnessEffect() callbacks
  8. Tick/cycle count increment
Figure 11: Forward simulation.

Simple neutral simulation in SLiM

// set up a simple neutral simulation
// set the overall mutation rate
// m1 mutation type: neutral
initializeMutationType("m1", 0.5, "f", 0.0);
// g1 genomic element type: uses m1 for all mutations
initializeGenomicElementType("g1", m1, 1.0);
// uniform chromosome of length 100 kb
initializeGenomicElement(g1, 0, 99999);
// uniform recombination along the chromosome
// create a population of 500 individuals
1 early()
sim.addSubpop("p1", 500);
// run to tick 10000
10000 early()

Comes with a huge manual (Haller & Messer, 2022) (700+ pages!)

Recapitation - combining the best of two worlds

A recent addition to SLiM is that it records data in tree sequence format (as in msprime) we can combine backward and forward simulations!

Backward simulation that adds coalescent (neutral) history

Forward simulation with selection or some other process that isn’t supported by the coalescent


Simulation of null distributions

Figure 12: Empirical distribution function of SweepFinder2 composite likelihood ratio (CLR) scores from observed data versus null simulations for three populations of squash bee (E. pruinosa). msprime was used to simulate data (without selection) using the inferred demographic model and recombination map. The eastern population in particular shows signs of selective sweeps. Pope et al. (2023), Fig S8.

Authors inferred demographic history and recombination map. The inferred values were used to simulate data with msprime. SweepFinder2 (DeGiorgio et al., 2016) was used to calculate composite likelihood ratio (CLR) scores on both observed and simulated data to assess significance quantiles.

Simulations of genomic landscapes in monkeyflower

Figure 13: Sampling locations

Figure 14: Genomic landscapes simulated under different divergence histories.

Monkeyflower (Mimulus aurantiacus) radiation in California shows wide adaptive range and phenotypic diversity. Stankowski et al. (2019) et al use simulations (SLiM and msprime) to shed light on processes that shape genomic landscapes, which are correlated between species.

We will look more closely at this system tomorrow.

Neural network recombination landscape prediction

Figure 15: Cartoon of Recombination Landscape Estimation using Recurrent Neural Networks (ReLERNN) workflow (Adrion et al., 2020)

Use msprime simulations to generate training data for neural network.


Adrion, J. R., Galloway, J. G., & Kern, A. D. (2020). Predicting the Landscape of Recombination Using Deep Learning. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 37(6), 1790–1808.
Baumdicker, F., Bisschop, G., Goldstein, D., Gower, G., Ragsdale, A. P., Tsambos, G., Zhu, S., Eldon, B., Ellerman, E. C., Galloway, J. G., Gladstein, A. L., Gorjanc, G., Guo, B., Jeffery, B., Kretzschumar, W. W., Lohse, K., Matschiner, M., Nelson, D., Pope, N. S., … Kelleher, J. (2022). Efficient ancestry and mutation simulation with msprime 1.0. Genetics, 220(3), iyab229.
DeGiorgio, M., Huber, C. D., Hubisz, M. J., Hellmann, I., & Nielsen, R. (2016). SweepFinder2: Increased sensitivity, robustness and flexibility. Bioinformatics, 32(12), 1895–1897.
Hahn, M. (2019). Molecular Population Genetics (First). Oxford University Press.
Haller, B. C., & Messer, P. W. (2019). SLiM 3: Forward Genetic Simulations Beyond the Wright. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 36(3), 632–637.
Haller, B. C., & Messer, P. W. (2022). SLiM: An Evolutionary Simulation Framework.
Hein, J., Schierup, M. H., & Wiuf, C. (2005). Gene genealogies, variation and evolution: A primer in coalescent theory. Oxford University Press.
Kelleher, J., Wong, Y., Wohns, A. W., Fadil, C., Albers, P. K., & McVean, G. (2019). Inferring whole-genome histories in large population datasets. Nature Genetics, 51(9), 1330–1338.
Pope, N. S., Singh, A., Childers, A. K., Kapheim, K. M., Evans, J. D., & López-Uribe, M. M. (2023). The expansion of agriculture has shaped the recent evolutionary history of a specialized squash pollinator. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(15), e2208116120.
Stankowski, S., Chase, M. A., Fuiten, A. M., Rodrigues, M. F., Ralph, P. L., & Streisfeld, M. A. (2019). Widespread selection and gene flow shape the genomic landscape during a radiation of monkeyflowers. PLOS Biology, 17(7), e3000391.
Wakeley, J. (2008). Coalescent Theory: An Introduction (1st Edition edition). Roberts and Company Publishers.
Y. C. Brandt, D., Wei, X., Deng, Y., Vaughn, A. H., & Nielsen, R. (2022). Evaluation of methods for estimating coalescence times using ancestral recombination graphs. Genetics, iyac044.