2023 PGIP • Population Genomics in Practice
All exercise pages start with a callout block that provides information on how to setup the relevant Compute environment. The callout blocks are labelled with icons that indicate the type of environment ( UPPMAX resource; local compute environment; online browser-based resource). Make sure to read these instructions before proceeding with the exercise itself. Some of the documents include a link to an external URL that hosts the actual exercise instructions.
On self-assessment exercise blocks
Scattered throughout the documents are exercise blocks, with hidden answers, and, in some cases, hints. The exercises are for self-assessment of your understanding, but they are not mandatory.
Some of the exercises (labelled with the Linux penguin ) are related to the usage of the command line interfaces (CLI), and how to obtain information about what a program does. This is an essential skill when working in Linux/UNIX environments! These exercises can be skipped if you are an experienced Linux/UNIX user.
An example exercise is provided here: