Data Quality Assessment


Nanoplot and FastQC produce html files as output. These can be opened on the login node using firefox, however running graphical applications across a network is slow. Alternatively you can download the html files to your computer using either scp or rsync. You can then open the downloaded files with your own html browser.

In a terminal, on your computer (not the login node) type the following:

scp /path/to/download

The command is similar using rsync:

rsync -av /path/to/download

Task 1.

Run NanoPlot on your PacBio data. The results can be opened using firefox. What are the average and median length of the long reads.

source /proj/sllstore2017027/workshop-GA2018/tools/anaconda/miniconda2/etc/profile.d/
conda activate GA2018
NanoPlot --help
Solution - click to expand
NanoPlot --fastq Ecoli_pacbio.fastq.gz
The average read length of the PacBio data is 8.6kb, and the median read length is 6.7kb.

Task 2.

Run FastQC on your fastq data. Then open the results using firefox or fastqc.

module load bioinfo-tools FastQC/0.11.5
fastqc --help

How many sequences are in each fastq file?

Solution - click to expand
fastqc -t 6 */*.fastq.gz

Enterococcus_faecalis/SRR492065_{1,2}.fastq.gz: 5354356 each

Escherichia_coli/ERR022075_{1,2}.fastq.gz: 22720100 each

Escherichia_coli/Ecoli_pacbio.fastq.gz: 87225

Task 3.

What is the average GC% in each data set?

Solution - click to expand

Enterococcus_faecalis/SRR492065_{1,2}.fastq.gz: 40%

Escherichia_coli/ERR022075_{1,2}.fastq.gz: 49%

Escherichia_coli/Ecoli_pacbio.fastq.gz: 49%

Task 4.

Which quality score encoding is used?

Solution - click to expand Sanger / Illumina 1.9

Task 5.

What does a quality score of 20 (Q20) mean?

Solution - click to expand An expectation of 1 error in 100bp.

Task 6.

What does a quality score of 40 (Q40) mean?

Solution - click to expand An expectation of 1 error in 10000bp.

Task 7.

What distribution should the per base sequence plot follow?

Solution - click to expand A Uniform distribution.

Task 8.

What value should the per base GC distribution be centered on?

Solution - click to expand Average GC content.

Task 9.

How much duplication is present in each fastq file?

Solution - click to expand

Enterococcus_faecalis/SRR492065_{1,2}.fastq.gz: 29.4% and 17.24%

Escherichia_coli/ERR022075_{1,2}.fastq.gz: 61.71% and 27.87%

Escherichia_coli/Ecoli_pacbio.fastq.gz: 0.12% but this value is uninformative for pacbio due to the error rate.

Task 10.

What is adapter read through?

Solution - click to expand When the sequence reads past the insert into the adapter sequence on the other end.

Task 11.

Let’s look at the adapter sequence in the Enterococcus_faecalis/SRR492065_{1,2}.fastq.gz fastq files. Illumina uses different adapters for different libraries. It is important to know which adapter sequence it is. Since this is public data, it is sometimes difficult to find out what the adapters were. Use bbmerge to discover the adapter sequence.

module load bioinfo-tools bbmap/38.08 --help
Solution - click to expand in=Enterococcus_faecalis/SRR492065_1.fastq.gz in2=Enterococcus_faecalis/SRR492065_2.fastq.gz outa=adapters.fa
more adapters.fa

Task 12.

Use the command below to view the reads that have matching adapter sequence in your files.

paste <( zcat Enterococcus_faecalis/SRR492065_1.fastq.gz ) <( zcat Enterococcus_faecalis/SRR492065_2.fastq.gz ) \
| grep -A2 -B1 --colour=always "AGATCGGAAGAGC" | less -SR

In the next step we will use Trimmomatic to trim adapters. It needs the correct adapter file. Use grep to identify the necessary adapter file to use. Trimmomatic’s adapter files can be found in $TRIMMOMATIC_HOME/adapters/.

module load bioinfo-tools trimmomatic/0.36

Which adapter file should be used?

Solution - click to expand
$ grep -B1 --colour=always "AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCC" $TRIMMOMATIC_HOME/adapters/*PE*.fa
$ grep -B1 --colour=always "AGATCGGAAGAGCGTCGTGTAGGGAAAG" $TRIMMOMATIC_HOME/adapters/*PE*.fa
Therefore the file to use is: `/sw/apps/bioinfo/trimmomatic/0.36/rackham/adapters/TruSeq3-PE-2.fa`. Since we have paired end data, we only use the files with PE in their name. Also as we are looking to remove adapter read-through, we are searching for the reverse compliment of the adapter `*_rc`. These two sequences are only common to one file, so we will use that one.

Task 13.

Run Trimmomatic on Enterococcus_faecalis/SRR492065_{1,2}.fastq.gz to only remove adapters. How many reads were trimmed for adapters?

java -jar $TRIMMOMATIC_HOME/trimmomatic-0.36.jar PE Enterococcus_faecalis/SRR492065_1.fastq.gz Enterococcus_faecalis/SRR492065_2.fastq.gz \
Enterococcus_faecalis/SRR492065_clean_paired_1.fastq.gz Enterococcus_faecalis/SRR492065_clean_unparied_1.fastq.gz \
Enterococcus_faecalis/SRR492065_clean_paired_2.fastq.gz Enterococcus_faecalis/SRR492065_clean_unparied_2.fastq.gz \
Solution - click to expand
Input Read Pairs: 5354356 Both Surviving: 5339516 (99.72%) Forward Only Surviving: 11947 (0.22%) Reverse Only Surviving: 1888 (0.04%) Dropped: 1005 (0.02%)

Task 14.

Using the bacterial database, run Kraken on Enterococcus_faecalis/SRR492065_{1,2}.fastq.gz. How many sequences are classified? What are they classified as?

module load bioinfo-tools Kraken2/2.0.7-beta-bc14b13 Krona/2.7
rsync -av "/proj/sllstore2017027/workshop-GA2018/databases/kraken_bacterial_db/" "$KRAKEN2DB"
kraken2 --threads "$CPUS" --db "$KRAKEN2DB" --report "${PREFIX}_kraken.rpt" --gzip-compressed --paired "$READ1" "$READ2" > "${PREFIX}_kraken.tsv"
ktImportTaxonomy <( cut -f2,3 "${PREFIX}_kraken.tsv" ) -o "${PREFIX}_kraken_krona.html"

It takes a very long time to build the database, so we have provided a build for you above.

Click here to see how the database was built This is how we built the database for you. See the Kraken2 homepage for how to build more comprehensive databases.
TMPDB=$(mktemp -u)
kraken2-build --download-taxonomy --db "$SNIC_TMP/$TMPDB"
kraken2-build --download-library bacteria --db "$SNIC_TMP/$TMPDB"
kraken2-build --build --threads "$CPUS" --db "$SNIC_TMP/$TMPDB"
rsync -av "$SNIC_TMP/$TMPDB/" kraken_bacterial_db
Solution - click to expand
PREFIX=$(basename "$READ1" _1.fastq.gz )
rsync -av "/proj/sllstore2017027/workshop-GA2018/databases/kraken_bacterial_db/" "$KRAKEN2DB"
kraken2 --threads "$CPUS" --db "$KRAKEN2DB" --report "${PREFIX}_kraken.rpt" --gzip-compressed --paired "$READ1" "$READ2" > "${PREFIX}_kraken.tsv"
ktImportTaxonomy <( cut -f2,3 "${PREFIX}_kraken.tsv" ) -o "${PREFIX}_kraken_krona.html"
5354356 sequences (1070.87 Mbp) processed in 42.233s (7606.9 Kseq/m, 1521.39 Mbp/m).
  4466191 sequences classified (83.41%)
  888165 sequences unclassified (16.59%)

To make an image, open the html file and click on the snapshot button. Then save the resulting image to SRR492065_kraken_krona.svg.

A Krona plot of the Kraken analysis of SRR492065.

The Kraken analysis shows at least three organisms in the sample; Enterococcus, Staphylococcus, and Cutibacterium. Enterococcus also shows a higher abundance than both Staphylococcus and Cutibacterium, which are both in similar proportions.

Task 15.

Using the references, filter the reads that align to Staphylococcus and Cutibacterium.

# Load modules
module load bioinfo-tools bwa/0.7.17 samtools/1.8
# Align to the references.
PREFIX=$( basename "$REFERENCE" .fasta )    # Make a PREFIX from the reference name without .fasta on the end
bwa index "$REFERENCE"
bwa mem -t "$CPUS" "$REFERENCE" "$READ1" "$READ2" | samtools sort -@ "$CPUS" -T "$SNIC_TMP/$PREFIX" -O BAM -o "${PREFIX}_bwa_alignment.bam" -
samtools index "${PREFIX}_bwa_alignment.bam"
samtools flagstat "${PREFIX}_bwa_alignment.bam" > "${PREFIX}_bwa_alignment.bam.stats"
# Extract read names that align to reference
samtools view -@ "$CPUS" -F 4 "${PREFIX}_bwa_alignment.bam" | cut -f1 | sort -u -o "${PREFIX}_aligned_reads.tsv"
# Extract all read names
samtools view -@ "$CPUS" "${PREFIX}_bwa_alignment.bam" | cut -f1 | sort -u -o "${PREFIX}_all_reads.tsv"
# Extract read names unique to list1 between list1 (*.tsv) and list2 (*.tsv)
sort --parallel="$CPUS" "${LIST_1_TSV}" "${LIST_2_TSV}" "${LIST_2_TSV}" | uniq -u > "${LIST_3_TSV}"
# Use the list to extract the reads unique to list3
join -t ' ' <( zcat "$READ1" | paste - - - - | sort -k1,1 ) <( sed 's/^/@/' "${LIST_3_TSV}" ) | tr '\t' '\n' | pigz -c > "${LIST_3_TSV%%_*}_cleaned_R1.fastq.gz"
join -t ' ' <( zcat "$READ2" | paste - - - - | sort -k1,1 ) <( sed 's/^/@/' "${LIST_3_TSV}" ) | tr '\t' '\n' | pigz -c > "${LIST_3_TSV%%_*}_cleaned_R2.fastq.gz"
Solution - click to expand
cp /proj/sllstore2017027/workshop-GA2018/data/Illumina_SRR492065/Staphylococcus_aureus.fasta .
cp /proj/sllstore2017027/workshop-GA2018/data/Illumina_SRR492065/Cutibacterium_avidum.fasta .
# Reads aligned to Staphylococcus
PREFIX=$( basename "$REFERENCE" .fasta )
bwa index "$REFERENCE"
bwa mem -t "$CPUS" "$REFERENCE" "$READ1" "$READ2" | samtools sort -@ "$CPUS" -T "$SNIC_TMP/$PREFIX" -O BAM -o "${PREFIX}_bwa_alignment.bam" -
samtools index "${PREFIX}_bwa_alignment.bam"
samtools flagstat "${PREFIX}_bwa_alignment.bam" > "${PREFIX}_bwa_alignment.bam.stats"
# List of reads aligned to Staphylococcus
samtools view -@ "$CPUS" -F 4 "${PREFIX}_bwa_alignment.bam" | cut -f1 | sort -u -o "${PREFIX}_aligned_reads.tsv"
# List of all reads (not just aligned to Staphylococcus)
samtools view -@ "$CPUS" "${PREFIX}_bwa_alignment.bam" | cut -f1 | sort -u -o "${PREFIX}_all_reads.tsv"
# Reads aligned to Cutibacterium
PREFIX=$( basename "$REFERENCE" .fasta )
bwa index "$REFERENCE"
bwa mem -t "$CPUS" "$REFERENCE" "$READ1" "$READ2" | samtools sort -@ "$CPUS" -T "$SNIC_TMP/$PREFIX" -O BAM -o "${PREFIX}_bwa_alignment.bam" -
samtools index "${PREFIX}_bwa_alignment.bam"
samtools flagstat "${PREFIX}_bwa_alignment.bam" > "${PREFIX}_bwa_alignment.bam.stats"
# List of reads aligned to Cutibacterium
samtools view -@ "$CPUS" -F 4 "${PREFIX}_bwa_alignment.bam" | cut -f1 | sort -u -o "${PREFIX}_aligned_reads.tsv"
# List of read names not mapped to Staphylococcus
sort --parallel="$CPUS" "${LIST_1_TSV}" "${LIST_2_TSV}" "${LIST_2_TSV}" | uniq -u > "Staphylococcus_aureus_removed_reads.tsv"
# List of read names not mapped to Cutibacterium
sort --parallel="$CPUS" "${LIST_1_TSV}" "${LIST_2_TSV}" "${LIST_2_TSV}" | uniq -u > "SRR492065_Enterococcus_only_reads.tsv"
# Get filtered fastqs
join -t ' ' <( zcat "$READ1" | paste - - - - | sort -k1,1 ) <( sed 's/^/@/' "${LIST_3_TSV}" ) | tr '\t' '\n' | pigz -c > "${LIST_3_TSV%%_*}_cleaned_R1.fastq.gz"
join -t ' ' <( zcat "$READ2" | paste - - - - | sort -k1,1 ) <( sed 's/^/@/' "${LIST_3_TSV}" ) | tr '\t' '\n' | pigz -c > "${LIST_3_TSV%%_*}_cleaned_R2.fastq.gz"