Practical Info

Venue, address, travel and contact information




Room Air & Fire
Ground floor
Science for Life Laboratory Stockholm
Tomtebodavägen 23A
171 65 Solna

This course round is given on-site in Sweden at SciLifeLab Stockholm. Travel directions are as follows:

  • Transport yourself to Stockholm (see e.g. SJ’s website for train travel within Sweden).
  • Go to SciLifeLab in Solna. The closest bus stop is called Karolinska institutet Biomedicum (search for public transport options here).
  • Enter the SciLifeLab/Karolinska Institutet Science Park building. There are public transport-style access gates to your left, and the glass door to the left immediately after the gates is where you need to go for the rooms Air & Fire, where the course will be held. You will, however, need an access card in order to pass through the gates, which will be handed to you on the morning of the first day (there is also a reception where you can ask for help if you run into any issues).


This workshop is run by the National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS). NBIS is a platform at SciLifeLab (Science For Life Laboratory) and the Swedish node of Elixir.

If you would like to get in touch with us regarding this workshop, please contact us at edu.trr [at]