Practical Info

Venue, address, travel and contact information


Room E24
Building 404
Medicon Village
Scheelevägen 2
223 63 Lund

For Lund city buses, tram, regional buses and regional trains, use You can buy a ticket at the central station in Lund or at the regional bus (card only). You can also use the app Skånetrafiken From the Lund C the easiest is to take the tram from Clemens torget towards ESS and get off at Lund Ideontorget. The trip take about 5 minutes and a tram leaves about four times an hour.


The lunches during the course will be provided at Cafe Bryggan located at IKDC Building which is 5 minutes walk from the course location. The location of the restaurant is here.


The restaurant for the dinner on the 2nd day will be at Valvet Steakhouse.


This workshop is run by the National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS). NBIS is a platform that is part of SciLifeLab.

If you would like to get in touch with us regarding this workshop, please contact us at

If you would like to get in touch with us regarding the course at GitHub, kindly write to us at the issues page.