In this vignette, we look at various ways to deploy your app to the end user.


The app directory with all the files can be archived (.zip, .tar.gz etc.) and shared. The receiver will need to install R as well as all the dependency packages (listed on home page) and then launch the app by running shiny::runApp() in the app directory.


A better solution is to package the shiny app into a docker image. In this example, we will create an app and containerize it into a docker image.


ifnb <- LoadData("ifnb")
ifnb <- ifnb |>
  NormalizeData() |>
  ScaleData() |>
  FindVariableFeatures() |>
  RunPCA() |>

## An object of class Seurat 
## 14053 features across 13999 samples within 1 assay 
## Active assay: RNA (14053 features, 2000 variable features)
##  2 dimensional reductions calculated: pca, umap
An object of class Seurat 
14053 features across 13999 samples within 1 assay 
Active assay: RNA (14053 features, 2000 variable features)
 2 dimensional reductions calculated: pca, umap

After pre-processing (normalisation, scaling, PCA, UMAP), we can proceed to building the app.

ifnb_conf <- create_config(ifnb)
make_app(ifnb, ifnb_conf, gex.assay="RNA", gex.slot="data", shiny.title = "IFNB", shiny.dir="ifnb")

Once you have verified that the app works and made any changes to the app as needed, you can create a Dockerfile using the function make_dockerfile().


This will write out a Dockerfile into the same directory as the app.

    If using GitHub packages, images are pushed to the personal or org account and not to a specific repository. To link packages to a repository, add the following to the Dockerfile:

LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source

In the terminal, change to the app directory and build the image using the syntax docker build -t <image-name> .. My docker image will be named shiny-ifnb. You can name it anything you like. Note that everything in the app folder will be copied into the image.

cd ifnb
docker build -t shiny-ifnb .

This will take a while to build and when done, you can list all images and find your app:

docker images

Launch the app and it should be available in the browser at

docker run --rm -p 3838:3838 shiny-ifnb

Distributing the image

The docker image can be distributed through image repositories. The docker image can be run through the terminal and also graphically through Docker Desktop on Linux, Mac and Windows.

Two options for distributing the docker image is discussed: DockerHub and GitHub packages.


    Be mindful of access permissions to the image, since the app/image contains the expression data and metadata.

Tag the image as needed with repo, version etc using the syntax docker tag <image-name> <hub-name>/<repo-name>:<tag>.

docker tag shiny-ifnb royfrancis/shiny-ifnb:v1.0
docker tag shiny-ifnb royfrancis/shiny-ifnb:latest

To push to DockerHub, use the following syntax: docker push <hub-name>/<repo-name>:<tag>

docker login
docker push royfrancis/shiny-ifnb:v1.0
docker push royfrancis/shiny-ifnb:latest

Once upload is complete, you can choose to remove the local image:

docker rmi shiny-ifnb royfrancis/shiny-ifnb:v1.0 royfrancis/shiny-ifnb:latest
docker images

Then try to run the app:

docker run --rm -p 3838:3838 royfrancis/shiny-ifnb:latest

This should fetch the image from dockerhub and launch the app. The should be available at

GitHub packages

    Note that SciLifeLab Serve does not support GitHub packages yet.

GitHub packages are pushed to a personal or organisation account and not to a specific repository. To link packages to a repository, add the following to the Dockerfile:

LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source

Create a personal access token here. Select Tokens (Classic) and check permissions read:packages and write:packages.

Login to github package repository.

echo "personalaccesstoken" | docker login -u githubusername --password-stdin

To push to GitHub packages, tag the image using the following syntax: docker push <hub-name>/<user|org>/<image-name>:<tag>

docker tag royfrancis/shiny-ifnb
docker push

To launch the app:

docker run --rm -p 3838:3838


The docker image can be easily converted to a singularity image.

docker save -o shiny-ifnb.tar
singularity build --sandbox shiny-ifnb.tmp docker-archive://shiny-ifnb.tar
singularity build shiny-ifnb.sif shiny-ifnb.tmp

singularity run shiny-ifnb.sif


The shiny app can be hosted on directly from the app files using R package rsconnect.

SciLifeLab Serve

    Note that SciLifeLab Serve does not support GitHub Packages yet. The image must be on DockerHub.

SciLifeLab users have the possibility of hosting the docker image on SciLifeLab Serve. Login and create a new Project. Then Serve > New > Shiny App. Fill in the form:

Name: IFNB scRNA-Seq
Description: IFNB single-cell transcriptomics data
Permissions: Project
Persistent Volume: project-vol
App port: 3838
Image: royfrancis/shiny-ifnb

For subdomain, ifnb was added as a new domain to have a persistent URL. The Image refers to DockerHub username and repo. Permissions sets app access to those registered to the Project or completely open to Public.

The app will be available at


Docker images are versatile and can be hosted through most cloud providers such as Amazon ECS, Google Cloud Run, Microsoft Azure, Vultr etc.