Make a shiny app based on the shinycell config data.table and single-cell data object.
gex.assay = NA,
gex.slot = c("data", "", "counts"),
gene.mapping = FALSE,
shiny.title = "scRNA-seq shiny app",
shiny.dir = "shinyApp/",
shiny.prefix = "sc1",
enableSubset = TRUE,
defPtSiz = 1.25,
default.gene1 = NA,
default.gene2 = NA,
default.multigene = NA,
default.dimred = NA,
tabs = c("civge", "civci", "gevge", "gem", "gec", "vio", "pro", "hea", "about"),
theme = "flatly",
font = "Lato",
ganalytics = NA
input single-cell object for Seurat (v3+) / SingleCellExperiment data or input file path for h5ad / loom files
shinycell config data.table
assay in single-cell data object to use for plotting gene expression, which must match one of the following:
Seurat objects: "RNA" or "integrated" assay, default is "RNA"
SCE objects: "logcounts" or "normcounts" or "counts", default is "logcounts"
h5ad files: "X" or any assay in "layers", default is "X"
loom files: "matrix" or any assay in "layers", default is "matrix"
slot in single-cell assay to plot. This is only used for Seurat objects (v3+). Default is to use the "data" slot
specifies whether to convert human / mouse Ensembl gene
IDs (e.g. ENSG000xxx / ENSMUSG000xxx) into "user-friendly" gene symbols.
Set this to TRUE
if you are using Ensembl gene IDs. Default is
which is not to perform any conversion. Alternatively, users
can supply a named vector where names(gene.mapping)
to the actual gene identifiers in the gene expression matrix and
correspond to new identifiers to map to
title for shiny app
specify directory to create the shiny app in. Default is to create a new directory named "shinyApp"
specify file prefix
specify whether to enable "Toggle to subset cells" functionality in the shiny app. Default is to enable this functionality
specify default point size for single cells. For example, a smaller size can be used if you have many cells in your dataset
specify primary default gene to show
specify secondary default gene to show
character vector specifying the default genes to show in bubbleplot / heatmap
character vector specifying the two default dimension reductions. Default is to use UMAP if not TSNE embeddings
Vector of tab names to include
Bootstrap theme
Google font for plots
Google analytics tracking ID (e.g. "UA-123456789-0")
directory containing shiny app