Practical Info

Venue, address, travel and contact information


Room E10:1309
Entrance C11
Biomedicinskt centrum
Uppsala University / ScilifeLab
Husargatan 3
75237 Uppsala

Few selected hotels are listed below ranked by distance from the venue.

The venue and hotels are also marked on the map.

Use the UL website or the UL app for bus and train services around Uppsala. For buses from the Centralstation (Train/Bus), take Bus 4 (towards Gottsunda Centrum) or 8 (towards Sunnersta) and get off at the stop Uppsala Science Park. Bus tickets can be purchased in the app or directly from the driver using a credit card.


This workshop is run by the National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS) in collaboration with National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI). Both, NGI and NBIS are platforms at SciLifeLab.

If you would like to get in touch with us regarding this workshop, please contact us at edu.intro-ngs [at]