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Pre-course Materials

Package Installation

In preparation for the practical sessions, you should install required software on the computer that you will bring to the autumn school.

For this, please follow the steps below:

  1. you need write permission to your R library folder (typically .libPaths()[1]) and enough free space (>2GB)
  2. you need to be connected to the internet
  3. start R-Studio on your computer
  4. run the following command on the R console:

The script will check your environment, install what is missing, and report any problems. During the installation, you may be prompted to update existing packages (recommended).

Don’t worry if not everything is installed successfully - please contact the course organisers for help, either by email or on Sunday before dinner.

We are looking forward to meet you all in Leysin!


Here are a couple of common issues and their solutions:

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