Modify the display name of metadata. It is possible that the original metadata name is not so informative e.g "orig.ident" or too long e.g. "seurat_clusters" and users want to shorten the way they are displayed on the shiny app. This function allows users to specify display names for metadata i.e. the names that will be displayed on the shiny app. Note that show_legend shows the display name instead of the actual name.

mod_meta_name(scConf, m, nn)



shinycell config data.table


metadata for which to modify the display name. Users can either use the actual metadata column names or display names. Multiple metadata can be specified. It is recommended to use the original metadata column names to reduce confusion.


new display names for the corresponding metadata


updated shinycell config data.table


John F. Ouyang

Roy Francis


if (FALSE) {
scConf = mod_meta_name(scConf, 
                     m = c("orig.ident", "seurat_clusters"), 
                     nn = c("library", "cluster"))