Generate code files required for shiny app containing multiple datasets. In
particular, two R scripts will be generated, namely server.R
. Note that make_file
has to be ran prior to
generate the necessary data files for each of the dataset to be included.
The prefix used in make_file
have to be then supplied in this
enableSubset = TRUE,
defPtSiz = 1.25,
theme = "flatly",
tabs = c("civge", "civci", "gevge", "gem", "gec", "vio", "pro", "hea", "about"),
font = "Lato",
ganalytics = NA
specify the overall title for shiny app
specify file prefix for each dataset. Must match the
prefix used in make_file
specify the tab header names for each dataset. Length
must match that of shiny.prefix
specify directory to create the shiny app in
specify whether to enable "Toggle to subset cells" functionality in the shiny app. Default is to enable this functionality
specify default point size for single cells. For example, a smaller size can be used if you have many cells in your dataset. A single value can be specified to set the point size for all datasets. Otherwise, users have to specify one value for each dataset
Bootsrap theme
Vector of tab names to include
Google font for plots. Defaults to "Lato". Requires package `showtext`.
Google analytics tracking ID (e.g. "UA-123456789-0")
server.R and ui.R required for shiny app