flowchart LR onboard[onboarding] --> project subgraph project direction LR initialize --> launch launch --> monitor monitor --> launch monitor --> closing end
Here you can find instructions on how to run assembly projects for the VR-EBP, ERGA, and BGE projects.
To ensure consistent, reproducible, and efficient genome assembly and analysis projects, we’ve established these standard operating procedures (SOPs). By following these guidelines, we aim to optimize our workflows, streamline data management, and facilitate collaboration.
Why do we need these protocols?
- To make data findable - (strict folder structure)
- Ease project tracking - (git)
- Reduce workload - (automation, code sharing)
- Reproducibility - (workflows, notebooks, git, documentation, containers, interoperability)
- Documentation - (reporting, summaries, issue tracking)
Getting started
A Github account is needed. A new member needs to added to the NBISweden Github organisation (ask on #technical-operations), and then to the ERGA assemblies team (Responsible: Martin P.).
New members also need to be added to the NAISS compute and storage allocations in SUPR (Responsible: Henrik / Mahesh).
Project roles:
- Lead: Henrik (NBIS), Lucile (NBIS)
- Sequencer: Ignas (NGI), Christian (NGI)
- Assembler: Martin P. (NBIS), Mahesh (NBIS), André (NBIS), Guilherme (NBIS), Estelle (NBIS), Tomas (NBIS)
- Annotator: Lucile (NBIS), André (NBIS), Guilherme (NBIS), Martin P. (NBIS)
- Steward: Stephan (NBIS), Yvonne (NBIS)
- Analyst: André (NBIS), Guilherme (NBIS)
- Developer: Mahesh (NBIS), Martin P.(NBIS)
- Monitor: Mahesh (NBIS)
sequenceDiagram actor Lead actor Sequencer actor Assembler actor Annotator actor Steward actor Analyst actor Developer Lead ->> Sequencer: Sequence this species Sequencer ->> Assembler: Sequence data delivered Sequencer ->> Steward: Submit read data Assembler ->> Annotator: Assembly finished. Annotate please. Annotator ->> Analyst: Annotation complete. Analyse please. Annotator ->> Steward: Assembly and Annotation complete. Submit it.
Who to talk to:
- Add to Github organisation: #technical-operations
- Add to Github team: Martin P.
- Add to NAISS compute allocation: Henrik / Mahesh
- Add to NAISS storage allocation: Henrik / Mahesh
- How to use the template: Mahesh
- Code review: Mahesh
- Protocol review: Mahesh
- Disk space issues: Entire team
- Anything else: #vr-accessibility-ebp