Celltype prediction

Scanpy Toolkit

Assignment of cell identities based on gene expression patterns using reference data.

Åsa Björklund

Paulo Czarnewski

Susanne Reinsbach

Roy Francis




Code chunks run Python commands unless it starts with %%bash, in which case, those chunks run shell commands.

Celltype prediction can either be performed on indiviudal cells where each cell gets a predicted celltype label, or on the level of clusters. All methods are based on similarity to other datasets, single cell or sorted bulk RNAseq, or uses known marker genes for each cell type.
We will select one sample from the Covid data, ctrl_13 and predict celltype by cell on that sample.
Some methods will predict a celltype to each cell based on what it is most similar to, even if that celltype is not included in the reference. Other methods include an uncertainty so that cells with low similarity scores will be unclassified.
There are multiple different methods to predict celltypes, here we will just cover a few of those.

Here we will use a reference PBMC dataset that we get from scanpy datasets and classify celltypes based on two methods:

First, lets load required libraries

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scanpy as sc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings
import os
import urllib.request

warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=Warning)

# verbosity: errors (0), warnings (1), info (2), hints (3)
sc.settings.verbosity = 2

Let’s read in the saved Covid-19 data object from the clustering step.

# download pre-computed data if missing or long compute
fetch_data = True

# url for source and intermediate data
path_data = "https://export.uppmax.uu.se/naiss2023-23-3/workshops/workshop-scrnaseq"

path_results = "data/covid/results"
if not os.path.exists(path_results):
    os.makedirs(path_results, exist_ok=True)

# path_file = "data/covid/results/scanpy_covid_qc_dr_scanorama_cl.h5ad"
path_file = "data/covid/results/scanpy_covid_qc_dr_scanorama_cl.h5ad"
if fetch_data and not os.path.exists(path_file):
        path_data, 'covid/results/scanpy_covid_qc_dr_scanorama_cl.h5ad'), path_file)

adata = sc.read_h5ad(path_file)
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 7222 × 2626
    obs: 'type', 'sample', 'batch', 'n_genes_by_counts', 'total_counts', 'total_counts_mt', 'pct_counts_mt', 'total_counts_ribo', 'pct_counts_ribo', 'total_counts_hb', 'pct_counts_hb', 'percent_mt2', 'n_counts', 'n_genes', 'percent_chrY', 'XIST-counts', 'S_score', 'G2M_score', 'phase', 'doublet_scores', 'predicted_doublets', 'doublet_info', 'leiden_1.0', 'leiden_0.6', 'leiden_0.4', 'leiden_1.4', 'louvain_1.0', 'louvain_0.6', 'louvain_0.4', 'louvain_1.4', 'kmeans5', 'kmeans10', 'kmeans15', 'hclust_5', 'hclust_10', 'hclust_15'
    var: 'gene_ids', 'feature_types', 'genome', 'mt', 'ribo', 'hb', 'n_cells_by_counts', 'mean_counts', 'pct_dropout_by_counts', 'total_counts', 'n_cells', 'highly_variable', 'means', 'dispersions', 'dispersions_norm', 'mean', 'std'
    uns: 'dendrogram_leiden_0.6', 'dendrogram_louvain_0.6', 'doublet_info_colors', 'hclust_10_colors', 'hclust_15_colors', 'hclust_5_colors', 'hvg', 'kmeans10_colors', 'kmeans15_colors', 'kmeans5_colors', 'leiden', 'leiden_0.4_colors', 'leiden_0.6_colors', 'leiden_1.0_colors', 'leiden_1.4_colors', 'log1p', 'louvain', 'louvain_0.4_colors', 'louvain_0.6_colors', 'louvain_1.0_colors', 'louvain_1.4_colors', 'neighbors', 'pca', 'phase_colors', 'sample_colors', 'tsne', 'umap'
    obsm: 'Scanorama', 'X_pca', 'X_tsne', 'X_umap'
    varm: 'PCs'
    obsp: 'connectivities', 'distances'
(7222, 2626)
(7222, 19468)

Subset one patient.

adata = adata[adata.obs["sample"] == "ctrl_13",:]
(1121, 2626)
0     244
2     187
3     184
5     139
8     129
1     100
4      65
7      33
9      33
6       4
10      3
Name: count, dtype: int64

As you can see, we have only one cell from cluster 10 in this sample, so lets remove that cell for now.

adata = adata[adata.obs["louvain_0.6"] != "10",:]
    adata, color=["louvain_0.6"], palette=sc.pl.palettes.default_20

1 Reference data

Load the reference data from scanpy.datasets. It is the annotated and processed pbmc3k dataset from 10x.

adata_ref = sc.datasets.pbmc3k_processed() 


(2638, 1838)
n_genes percent_mito n_counts louvain sample
AAACATACAACCAC-1 781 0.030178 2419.0 CD4 T cells pbmc3k
AAACATTGAGCTAC-1 1352 0.037936 4903.0 B cells pbmc3k
AAACATTGATCAGC-1 1131 0.008897 3147.0 CD4 T cells pbmc3k
AAACCGTGCTTCCG-1 960 0.017431 2639.0 CD14+ Monocytes pbmc3k
AAACCGTGTATGCG-1 522 0.012245 980.0 NK cells pbmc3k
... ... ... ... ... ...
TTTCGAACTCTCAT-1 1155 0.021104 3459.0 CD14+ Monocytes pbmc3k
TTTCTACTGAGGCA-1 1227 0.009294 3443.0 B cells pbmc3k
TTTCTACTTCCTCG-1 622 0.021971 1684.0 B cells pbmc3k
TTTGCATGAGAGGC-1 454 0.020548 1022.0 B cells pbmc3k
TTTGCATGCCTCAC-1 724 0.008065 1984.0 CD4 T cells pbmc3k

2638 rows × 5 columns

sc.pl.umap(adata_ref, color='louvain')

Make sure we have the same genes in both datset by taking the intersection

var_names = adata_ref.var_names.intersection(adata.var_names)

adata_ref = adata_ref[:, var_names]
adata = adata[:, var_names]

First we need to rerun pca and umap with the same gene set for both datasets.

sc.pl.umap(adata_ref, color='louvain')
computing PCA
    with n_comps=50
    finished (0:00:00)
computing neighbors
    using 'X_pca' with n_pcs = 50
    finished (0:00:12)
computing UMAP
    finished (0:00:04)

sc.pl.umap(adata, color='louvain_0.6')
computing PCA
    on highly variable genes
    with n_comps=50
    finished (0:00:00)
computing neighbors
    using 'X_pca' with n_pcs = 50
    finished (0:00:00)
computing UMAP
    finished (0:00:02)

2 Integrate with scanorama

import scanorama

#subset the individual dataset to the same variable genes as in MNN-correct.
alldata = dict()

#convert to list of AnnData objects
adatas = list(alldata.values())

# run scanorama.integrate
scanorama.integrate_scanpy(adatas, dimred = 50)
Found 419 genes among all datasets
[[0.         0.96511628]
 [0.         0.        ]]
Processing datasets (0, 1)
# add in sample info

# create a merged scanpy object and add in the scanorama 
adata_merged = alldata['ctrl'].concatenate(alldata['ref'], batch_key='sample', batch_categories=['ctrl','pbmc3k'])

embedding = np.concatenate([ad.obsm['X_scanorama'] for ad in adatas], axis=0)
adata_merged.obsm['Scanorama'] = embedding
#run  umap.
sc.pp.neighbors(adata_merged, n_pcs =50, use_rep = "Scanorama")
computing neighbors
    finished (0:00:00)
computing UMAP
    finished (0:00:05)
sc.pl.umap(adata_merged, color=["sample","louvain"])

2.1 Label transfer

Using the function in the Spatial tutorial at the scanpy website we will calculate normalized cosine distances between the two datasets and tranfer labels to the celltype with the highest scores.

from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_distances

distances = 1 - cosine_distances(
    adata_merged[adata_merged.obs['sample'] == "pbmc3k"].obsm["Scanorama"],
    adata_merged[adata_merged.obs['sample'] == "ctrl"].obsm["Scanorama"],

def label_transfer(dist, labels, index):
    lab = pd.get_dummies(labels)
    class_prob = lab.to_numpy().T @ dist
    norm = np.linalg.norm(class_prob, 2, axis=0)
    class_prob = class_prob / norm
    class_prob = (class_prob.T - class_prob.min(1)) / class_prob.ptp(1)
    # convert to df
    cp_df = pd.DataFrame(
        class_prob, columns=lab.columns
    cp_df.index = index
    # classify as max score
    m = cp_df.idxmax(axis=1)
    return m

class_def = label_transfer(distances, adata_ref.obs.louvain, adata.obs.index)

# add to obs section of the original object
adata.obs['predicted'] = class_def

sc.pl.umap(adata, color="predicted")

# add to merged object.
adata_merged.obs["predicted"] = pd.concat(
    [class_def, adata_ref.obs["louvain"]], axis=0

sc.pl.umap(adata_merged, color=["sample","louvain",'predicted'])
#plot only ctrl cells.
sc.pl.umap(adata_merged[adata_merged.obs['sample']=='ctrl'], color='predicted')

Now plot how many cells of each celltypes can be found in each cluster.

tmp = pd.crosstab(adata.obs['louvain_0.6'],adata.obs['predicted'], normalize='index')
tmp.plot.bar(stacked=True).legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.8, 1),loc='upper right')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f1f2733dfc0>

3 Ingest

Another method for celltype prediction is Ingest, for more information, please look at https://scanpy-tutorials.readthedocs.io/en/latest/integrating-data-using-ingest.html

sc.tl.ingest(adata, adata_ref, obs='louvain')
sc.pl.umap(adata, color=['louvain','louvain_0.6'], wspace=0.5)
running ingest
    finished (0:00:35)

Now plot how many cells of each celltypes can be found in each cluster.

tmp = pd.crosstab(adata.obs['louvain_0.6'],adata.obs['louvain'], normalize='index')
tmp.plot.bar(stacked=True).legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.8, 1),loc='upper right')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f1f271c5db0>

4 Compare results

The predictions from ingest is stored in the column ‘louvain’ while we named the label transfer with scanorama as ‘predicted’

sc.pl.umap(adata, color=['louvain','predicted'], wspace=0.5)

As you can see, the main celltypes are the same, but dendritic cells are mainly predicted to cluster 8 by ingest and the proportions of the different celltypes are different.

The only way to make sure which method you trust is to look at what genes the different celltypes express and use your biological knowledge to make decisions.

5 Gene set analysis

Another way of predicting celltypes is to use the differentially expressed genes per cluster and compare to lists of known cell marker genes. This requires a list of genes that you trust and that is relevant for the tissue you are working on.

You can either run it with a marker list from the ontology or a list of your choice as in the example below.

path_file = 'data/human_cell_markers.txt'
if not os.path.exists(path_file):
        path_data, 'human_cell_markers.txt'), path_file)
df = pd.read_table(path_file)

(2868, 15)
# Filter for number of genes per celltype
df['nG'] = df.geneSymbol.str.split(",").str.len()

df = df[df['nG'] > 5]
df = df[df['nG'] < 100]
d = df[df['cancerType'] == "Normal"]
(445, 16)
df.index = df.cellName
gene_dict = df.geneSymbol.str.split(",").to_dict()
# run differential expression per cluster
sc.tl.rank_genes_groups(adata, 'louvain_0.6', method='wilcoxon', key_added = "wilcoxon")
ranking genes
    finished (0:00:02)
# do gene set overlap to the groups in the gene list and top 300 DEGs.
import gseapy

gsea_res = dict()
pred = dict()

for cl in adata.obs['louvain_0.6'].cat.categories.tolist():
    glist = sc.get.rank_genes_groups_df(adata, group=cl, key='wilcoxon')[
    enr_res = gseapy.enrichr(gene_list=glist[:300],
    if enr_res.results.shape[0] == 0:
        pred[cl] = "Unass"
            by="P-value", axis=0, ascending=True, inplace=True)
        gsea_res[cl] = enr_res
        pred[cl] = enr_res.results["Term"][0]
   Gene_set                   Term Overlap   P-value  Adjusted P-value  \
0  gs_ind_0  Cancer stem-like cell     1/6  0.088981          0.226652   
6  gs_ind_0             Macrophage     1/6  0.088981          0.226652   

   Odds Ratio  Combined Score  Genes  
0   14.996147       36.280703  ANPEP  
6   14.996147       36.280703   AIF1  
   Gene_set                    Term Overlap   P-value  Adjusted P-value  \
2  gs_ind_0  Effector memory T cell     1/7  0.103024          0.180292   
4  gs_ind_0                Monocyte     1/7  0.103024          0.180292   

   Odds Ratio  Combined Score Genes  
2   12.995993       29.537229  IL7R  
4   12.995993       29.537229  CD52  
   Gene_set                      Term Overlap   P-value  Adjusted P-value  \
6  gs_ind_0                  Monocyte     1/7  0.103024          0.244332   
7  gs_ind_0  Parietal progenitor cell     1/7  0.103024          0.244332   

   Odds Ratio  Combined Score  Genes  
6   12.995993       29.537229   CD52  
7   12.995993       29.537229  ANXA1  
   Gene_set                    Term Overlap   P-value  Adjusted P-value  \
6  gs_ind_0  Effector memory T cell     1/7  0.103024          0.226084   
8  gs_ind_0            Naive T cell     1/7  0.103024          0.226084   

   Odds Ratio  Combined Score Genes  
6   12.995993       29.537229  IL7R  
8   12.995993       29.537229  CCR7  
   Gene_set      Term Overlap   P-value  Adjusted P-value  Odds Ratio  \
0  gs_ind_0    B cell     1/6  0.088981          0.116851   14.996147   
4  gs_ind_0  Monocyte     1/7  0.103024          0.116851   12.995993   

   Combined Score Genes  
0       36.280703  CD19  
4       29.537229  CD52  
    Gene_set                             Term Overlap   P-value  \
11  gs_ind_0  Myeloid-derived suppressor cell     1/6  0.088981   
2   gs_ind_0                   Dendritic cell     1/7  0.103024   

    Adjusted P-value  Odds Ratio  Combined Score  Genes  
11          0.183109   14.996147       36.280703  ITGAM  
2           0.183109   12.995993       29.537229  ITGAM  
   Gene_set                           Term Overlap   P-value  \
0  gs_ind_0          Cancer stem-like cell     1/6  0.088981   
4  gs_ind_0  Induced pluripotent stem cell     1/6  0.088981   

   Adjusted P-value  Odds Ratio  Combined Score  Genes  
0          0.164838   14.996147       36.280703  ANPEP  
4          0.164838   14.996147       36.280703  ITGA6  
   Gene_set      Term Overlap   P-value  Adjusted P-value  Odds Ratio  \
0  gs_ind_0    B cell     1/6  0.088981          0.140221   14.996147   
5  gs_ind_0  Monocyte     1/7  0.103024          0.140221   12.995993   

   Combined Score Genes  
0       36.280703  CD19  
5       29.537229  CD52  
   Gene_set                             Term Overlap   P-value  \
2  gs_ind_0                       Macrophage     1/6  0.088981   
3  gs_ind_0  Monocyte derived dendritic cell     1/8  0.116851   

   Adjusted P-value  Odds Ratio  Combined Score  Genes  
2          0.233702   14.996147       36.280703   AIF1  
3          0.233702   11.466464       24.616832  ITGAX  
   Gene_set                      Term Overlap   P-value  Adjusted P-value  \
3  gs_ind_0  PROM1Low progenitor cell     1/7  0.103024          0.309489   
1  gs_ind_0             M2 macrophage    1/12  0.170068          0.309489   

   Odds Ratio  Combined Score  Genes  
3   12.995993       29.537229  ALCAM  
1    7.795593       13.810336  CD163  
# prediction per cluster
{'0': 'Cancer stem-like cell',
 '1': 'CD4+ T cell',
 '2': 'CD8+ T cell',
 '3': 'Activated T cell',
 '4': 'B cell',
 '5': 'CD16+ dendritic cell',
 '6': 'Cancer stem-like cell',
 '7': 'B cell',
 '8': 'Circulating fetal cell',
 '9': 'Circulating fetal cell'}
prediction = [pred[x] for x in adata.obs['louvain_0.6']]
adata.obs["GS_overlap_pred"] = prediction

sc.pl.umap(adata, color='GS_overlap_pred')


As you can see, it agrees to some extent with the predictions from label transfer and ingest, but there are clear differences, which do you think looks better?

6 Session info

Click here
anndata     0.10.5.post1
scanpy      1.9.6
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texttable           1.7.0
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torch               2.0.0
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Python 3.10.11 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, May 10 2023, 18:58:44) [GCC 11.3.0]
Session information updated at 2024-02-06 00:43