Using WebApollo to view annotations

For this course, we have set up a WebApollo installation - as a reminder, the url is

Login information are the following:
username: userX (Where X is the number you have been assigned)
password: demo

When logged in to the page, select the proper project corresponding to the exercice (drosophila_melanogaster_chr4 or drosophila_melanogaster_chr4_jamboree).

In the right side of the browser you will see different tabs available. The most useful one for you will be the “Tracks” one. In this tab will be display the different tracks available for displaying.

If you wish uploading a(n) track/annotation you have created to the web portal, follow these instructions:

  • Click on ‘File’ in the top left corner of the page
  • Select ‘Open track file or URL’
  • Click in ‘Select Files’ from the ‘Local Files’ section
  • Select the file you wish to upload, and leave all settings at their defaults (you may wish to specify a more informative name for the new track though).

This should upload your annotation track to the page. However, remember that tracks added in this way are only temporary and will disappear if you log out or lose connection to the server.