OBS! Schedule is preliminary and may be subject to changes!
Lecture slides will be provided as links as they get completed.
Time | Description | Lecturer |
09.00 | Åsa & Paulo | |
09.30 | Henrik Gezelius | |
10.30 | Break | |
11.00 | Åsa Björklund | |
12.00 | Lunch | |
13.00 | Åsa Björklund | |
13.30 | Åsa, Paulo, Jakub | |
15.00 | Break | |
15.30 | Åsa Björklund | |
16.30 | Wrap up session | Åsa & Paulo |
Time | Description | Lecturer |
09.00 | Paulo Czarnewski | |
10.00 | Break | |
10.30 | Åsa, Paulo | |
12.00 | Lunch | |
13.00 | Paulo Czarnewski | |
14.00 | Åsa, Paulo | |
15.00 | Break | |
15.30 | Åsa Björklund | |
16.30 | Wrap up session | Åsa & Paulo |
18.00 | Course Dinner (Shanti touch of Bengali) |
Time | Description | Lecturer |
09.00 | Åsa, Paulo | |
10.00 | Break | |
10.30 | Jakub Westholm | |
12.00 | Lunch | |
13.00 | Vincent van Hoef | |
14.00 | Paulo Czarnewski | |
14.30 | Break | |
15.00 | Åsa, Paulo | |
16.30 | Wrap up session | Åsa & Paulo |
Time | Description | Lecturer |
09.00 | Ahmed Mahfouz | |
10.00 | Break | |
10.30 | Åsa, Paulo | |
12.00 | Lunch | |
13.00 | Alma Andersson | |
14.00 | Åsa, Paulo | |
15.00 | Break | |
16.30 | Wrap up session | Åsa & Paulo |
Time | Description | Lecturer |
9.00 | Paulo Czarnewski | |
10.00 | Break | |
10.15 | Åsa, Paulo | |
11.30 | Summary of exercises | Åsa & Paulo |
12.00 | Lunch | |
13.00 | Wrap up and Course Summary | Åsa & Paulo |