R packages

RaukR 2024 • Advanced R for Bioinformatics

Sebastian DiLorenzo



  • What is an R package?
  • Possible package states
  • Package structure:
    • Code | r/
    • Metadata | DESCRIPTION
    • Documentation | man/
    • Vignettes
    • Import & Export | NAMESPACE
    • Data | data/
    • Tests | tests/
    • Compiled code | src/
  • CRAN and R CMD check
  • Rstudio and Github

What is an R package?

  • A strict and connected folder and file structure

What is an R package?

  • A strict and connected folder and file structure

What is an R package?

  • A strict and connected folder and file structure
  • Sharing code
  • Improved quality and rigor
    • Documentation
    • Tests
    • Examples
  • Efficiency
  • Improvability
  • Reproducibility

Package naming

  • A name that describes your packages function
    • Letters, numbers and periods
    • Must start with letter
    • Cannot end with period
  • Make it “googleable”
  • Check that it doesn’t already exist!
    • CRAN
    • GitHub
    • Bioconductor

Package states

There are five states a package can exist in:

  • Source
  • Bundled
  • Binary
  • Installed
  • In-memory

Package states


The development version of your package. The collection of files on your computer.


  • A compressed, tar.gz source package with vignettes built
  • .Rbuildignore files are excluded
    • Useful for data for example


  • A bundle that is built for a certain architecture
  • Parsed format, skipping the development tools needed to take the package between source and being interpretable by R

Package states


  • A binary package decompressed into a package library for R
    • The package library is the directory or directories where library(packagename) searches
      • .libPaths()


When you use a package, it is in memory. When developing, a package does not have to be installed to be in memory.

  • packagename::function() loads packagename

  • library(packagename) loads and attaches packagename

Package states




  • Code
    • Large functions in their own R files
    • Utility functions, that your package uses, in one R file
  • Bad code
    • library(), require(), source()
    • options(), par()


  • Title
    • 65 characters, no punctuation
  • Version
    • The version of the package
  • Description
    • One paragraph
  • Authors@R
    • Roles
      • cre*: Creator or maintainer.
      • aut*: Author or authors, that have made significant contributions.
      • ctb: Contributors, have made smaller contributions.
      • cph: Copyright holder. Used if copyright is held by someone other than author, typically company.


  • Depends & Imports
    • Packages and versions that your package needs
    • Versions are optional
    • Depends: Attaches!
    • Imports: Loads!
  • Suggests
    • Added functionality
  • LazyData
    • Datasets occupy no memory until loaded
  • License
    • Can be a file; LICENSE
    • Influences permissions of who can distribute and modify in what way
    • Most common; MIT, GPL-3, CC0.
    • https://tldrlegal.com/
    • CRAN requires a license



  • Major
    • Large changes, not always backwards compatible
    • Usually 1 upon first release out of dev
  • Minor
    • Bug fixes & new features. Most common
  • Patch
    • Small bugfixes, no new features.
  • Dev
    • Only used while under development
    • Always starts at 9000



#' Output "Call me " followed by input.
#' @param x A character or characters.
#' @return The string "Call me " and \code{x}. I'll write this
#'    to display how to section with tags.
#' @examples
#' call_me("Maeby")
call_me <- function(x) {
  paste("Call me ", x, sep="")
  • Roxygen2
    • ?function
    • Comment block, #', preceding a function
    • Tags, @tags, map values
    • No tag for introduction
      • title*
      • description
      • details
    • Special characters @\%, escape with \



#' Output "Call me " followed by input.
#' @param x A character or characters.
#' @return The string "Call me " and \code{x}. I'll write this
#'    to display how to section with tags.
#' @examples
#' call_me("Maeby")
call_me <- function(x) {
  paste("Call me ", x, sep="")


% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/call_me.R
\title{Output "Call me " followed by input.}
\item{x}{A character or characters.}
The string "Call me " and \code{x}. I'll write this
   to display how to section with tags.
Output "Call me " followed by input.


> ?call_me

man/ for datasets

len supp dose
4.2 VC 0.5
11.5 VC 0.5
7.3 VC 0.5
5.8 VC 0.5
6.4 VC 0.5
10.0 VC 0.5


#' The Effect of Vitamin C on Tooth Growth in Guinea Pigs
#' The response is the length of odontoblasts (cells responsible for tooth growth)
#'   in 60 guinea pigs. Each animal received one of three dose levels of vitamin C
#'   (0.5, 1, and 2 mg/day) by one of two delivery methods, orange juice or ascorbic
#'   acid (a form of vitamin C and coded as VC).
#' @usage ToothGrowth
#' @format A data frame with 60 observations on 3 variables.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{len}{Tooth length}
#'   \item{supp}{Supplement type (VC or OJ).}
#'   \item{dose}{Dose in milligrams/day}
#' }
#' @source \url{https://www.elsevier.com/books/the-statistics-of-bioassay/bliss/978-1-4832-5662-7}


  • A more complete guide to your package
    • For user/you
    • Examples and use cases
  • knitr & rmarkdown
    • knitr: add r code to markdown
  • vignettes/package-vignette.Rmd


  title: "Vignette Title"
  author: "Vignette Author"
  date: "2024-05-29"
  output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
  vignette: >
    %\VignetteIndexEntry{Vignette Title}


  • A more complete guide to your package
    • For user/you
    • Examples and use cases
  • knitr & rmarkdown
    • knitr: add r code to markdown
  • vignettes/package-vignette.Rmd


  title: "typicalr"
  author: "Sebastian DiLorenzo"
  date: "2024-05-29"
  output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
  vignette: >


package1 names         package2 names

  • @imports and @importsFrom
    • Defines how/where a function in one package finds a function in another
    • @imports pkg
    • @importsFrom pkg function
  • @export
    • Defines which functions are available to user
    • Do not export data



#' Output "Call me " followed by input.
#' @param x A character or characters.
#' @return The string "Call me " and \code{x}. I'll write this
#'    to display how to section with tags.
#' @examples
#' call_me("Maeby")
#' @export
call_me <- function(x) {
  paste("Call me ",x,sep="")


#' @import knitr


# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand




  • DESCRIPTION Imports:
    • “My package needs this package to work”
  • NAMESPACE @import
    • “When my package uses this function, use the one from the package in the NAMESPACE”
  • Additional effects:
    • NAMESPACE removes need for ::
      • package::function() or function()


Package types:

  • Functional
    • Performs a or several functions
    • Contains no or small datasets, <1 MB
  • Dataset
    • Contains an interesting dataset
    • Easy to import
    • Few or no functions

Data types:

  • Binary data, .Rdata or .rda
    • data/ folder
    • A single object with the same name as the data file
  • Function data
    • R/sysdata.rda
    • Data that your functions need
  • Raw data, .xlsx,.csv etc
    • inst/extdatafolder
# Create data in package automatically
usethis::use_data(object, package)

# Manually
save(object, file="path/to/package/data/object.Rdata")

# Access raw data
system.file("extdata","filename.csv", package="packagename")


  • What to test?
  • That the return value is what is expected given a certain input
  • Why test?
  • Improved development stability
  • Working in group/open source
  • Working on big package

  • How to test?
  • Uses testthat package for testing and usethis package for setup
  • Initialize with use_testthat()
  • Create test for a function with use_test("call_me")
  • Testfile: tests/testthat/test-call_me.R
  • Run test with devtools::test() or check()


test_that("multiplication works", {
  expect_equal(2 * 2, 4)


  • Compiled code
    • Rcpp
    • rJava
  • Scripts
    • inst/
    • Dependencies
  1. usethis::use_rcpp()
    • #' @useDynLib packagename
    • #' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
  2. .cpp file in src/


#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;

// This is a simple example of exporting a C++ function to R. You can
// source this function into an R session using the Rcpp::sourceCpp
// function (or via the Source button on the editor toolbar). Learn
// more about Rcpp at:
//   http://www.rcpp.org/
//   http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Rcpp.html
//   http://gallery.rcpp.org/

// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector timesTwo(NumericVector x) {
  return x * 2;


  • Compiled code
    • Rcpp
    • rJava
  • Scripts
    • inst/
    • Dependencies
  1. usethis::use_rcpp()
    • #' @useDynLib packagename
    • #' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
  2. .cpp file in src/
  3. pkgbuild::compile_dll()
  4. devtools::document()
  5. Build & Reload
  6. Add documentation to .cpp


# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

timesTwo <- function(x) {
    .Call('_typicalr_timesTwo', PACKAGE = 'typicalr', x)

CRAN and R CMD check

  • Comprehensive R Archive Network
    • R package repository
    • Sign of quality
  • R CMD check
    • More than 50 individual checks
    • Three messages:
      • ERROR: Always fix.
      • WARNING: Should probably fix. Definitely for CRAN submit.
      • NOTE: Try to solve to CRAN submit, else do not bother.
    • devtools::check()

Rstudio and Github

  • git
    • Version control
    • Working in groups
    • Rstudio integration
  • GitHub
    • Unoffical repository
    • devtools::install_github()
    • R Package development environment
    • Issues

Github Actions

  • What it can do
    • Integrated with your GitHub repository
    • Automates R CMD check
    • Test on multiple operating systems
  • How it works
    • Add a file with instructions to .github/workflows/workflow-name.yaml
    • Triggered by action, for example push
    • Most common R related workflows available in github r-libs repository


  • What is an R package?
  • Possible package states
  • Package structure:
    • Code | r/
    • Metadata | DESCRIPTION
    • Documentation | man/
    • Vignettes
    • Import & Export | NAMESPACE
    • Data | data/
    • Tests | tests/
    • Compiled code | src/
  • CRAN and R CMD check
  • Rstudio and Github

Thank you! Questions?

platform x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
os       linux-gnu          
major    4                  
minor    3.2                

2024 • SciLifeLabNBISRaukR