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NBIS Short Term Feedback (STF)

About this page

Besides this box of text, this page shows the current NBIS Short Term Feedback form. Except for (its conversion to markdown and hence change in) its layout, the content is unmodified.

Core question set information

The intention of the STF survey is to find out how participants have used the skills and knowledge they gained through participating in the NBIS course.

The STF survey aims to provide data back to NBIS from course participants.

The survey should preferably be given by the course leader to the participants on the last day of the course. Some of the questions below are CORE Questions and needs to always be included in the survey. There are also room for ADDITIONAL questions that can be modified for respective course.

  • Contents
  • Important Information
  • Core Question Set
  • Demographic Information
  • Quality Metrics
  • Additional Questions - Training content/information
  • Additional Questions - Training logistics

Important Information

Below are the core questions for NBIS short term feedback (STF), which are required to be captured for all NBIS training events from August 2018 onwards, most typically in an end-of-training-event feedback survey (i.e. exit survey). The information and Core questions are extracted from the ELIXIR and ELIXIR-EXCELERATE courses. Additional questions are free to be modified to suit the course needs. The format for collecting the data is up to each training provider, although results should be exportable to Excel format. The core questions may be divided into two categories and will by and large be analysed separately - both categories are required to be captured:

  • Demographic information
  • Quality metrics

For the demographic information questions specifically, these may be captured either in the exit survey OR in the registration form. The exit survey should be administered as close as possible to the end of the training event, preferably on the last day of the course. Please add the result of the survey to the course folder in Google Drive (NBIS Course Catalogue).

The core question set is followed by a set of Additional (suggested) questions that training organisers might also like to ask. Please note: while the core question set is compulsory, Course leader(s) are encouraged to ask any additional questions for their own collection and data analysis, should they wish.

Data formatting: Preferred column headers for each core metric are in ‘red’. It would be very helpful for analysing the data if everyone used these column headings when exporting the results. Please note: these descriptors are case sensitive (e.g. use advertised not Advertised). Also, the underscores are important! (e.g. career_stage is NOT the same as career stage).

If possible, please name the dataset file as follows to assist with data handling: YYYY-MM-DD_L/STF_Location_CourseName, e.g. 2018-06-11_STF_Visby_RaukR

Core Question Set

Section 1 - Template: NBIS Short Term Feedback (STF) survey COURSE NAME, LOCATION, YYYY-MM-DD

Thank you for filling the questionnaire. It is really important to us in order to continually improve the course and the materials we deliver. In filling the questionnaire, please keep in mind that your comments - which are not mandatory - are especially precious. We may share anonymised information with course presenters and developers as well as for wider quality/impact analyses.

Section 2 - Demographic Information

1. Where did you see the course advertised? advertised

  • a. NBIS website
  • b. SciLifeLab website
  • c. Social Media (e.g. NBIS twitter)
  • d. Host Institute website
  • e. Colleague
  • f. TeSS
  • g. Email
  • h. Internet search
  • i. Other (comments)

2. What is your career stage? career_stage

  • a. PhD candidate
  • b. Postdoctoral researcher
  • c. Senior researcher/Principal investigator
  • d. Staff scientist
  • e. Industry scientist
  • f. Other (comments)

3. What is your host university? host_university

4. Gender gender

  • a. Male
  • b. Female
  • c. Prefer not to say
  • d. Other (please specify)

Section 3 - Quality Metrics

5. Have you used the tools/resource(s) covered in the course before? have_used_resources_before

  • 1. Never - Unaware of them
  • 2. Never - Used other service
  • 3. Occasionally
  • 4. Frequently

6. Will you use the tools/resource(s) covered in the course again? will_use_resources_future

  • 1. Yes
  • 2. No
  • 3. Maybe

7. Would you recommend the course? would_recommend_course

  • 1. Yes
  • 2. No
  • 3. Maybe

8. What is your overall rating for the course*. overall_satisfaction

  • a. Poor (1)
  • b. Satisfactory (2)
  • c. Good (3)
  • d. Very Good (4)
  • e. Excellent (5)

(*please include both numeric and categorical scale for this question.)

9. A. May we contact you by email in the future for more feedback? contact_future

  • 1. Yes
  • 2. No

9 B. If you answered ‘yes’ to the above question, please enter your email address, below. email ( Information for question 9B must be collected and stored by each Node/Institution, but should NOT be shared with the Q&I subtask or any other third party due to GDPR considerations.)

Additional Questions - Training content/information

These are suggested questions that may be of interest (not compulsory):

1. What part of the training did you enjoy the most? enjoy

2. What part of the training did you enjoy the least? to_improve

3. The balance of theoretical and practical content was theoretical_practical

  • a. Too practical
  • b. About right
  • c. Too theoretical

4. How do you rate the pre-course information given? pre_course_information

  • Linear scale 1-5
  • 1. (Very unsatisfactory/Not useful)
  • 5. Very good/Very useful

5. What other topics would you like to see covered in the future? future_topics

6. Any other comments? Comments

7. PLEASE RATE EACH SESSION OF THE COURSE satisfaction_per_session_YYYY_MM_DD_am/pm

  • a. Did not attend
  • b. Poor (1)
  • c. Satisfactory (2)
  • d. Good (3)
  • e. Very Good (4)
  • f. Excellent (5)

8. Comments on teaching staff teaching_staff Help our teaching staff to improve by providing constructive feedback Paragraph text answer

9. Was the course held at a teaching level matching your training? teaching_training_level

10. STATEMENTS REGARDING WHAT PARTICIPANTS COULD DO before TRAINING (customised to a specific training) skills_before

11. STATEMENTS REGARDING WHAT PARTICIPANTS CAN DO after TRAINING (customised to a specific training) skills_after

12. What other topics would you like to see covered in the future? future_topics

13. Any other comments? Comments_1

Additional Questions - Training logistics

These are suggested questions that may be of interest (not compulsory):

1. What would be the preferred length of the course? preferred_length

  • Linear scale 1-5 Days

2. How did you like the facilities/localities of the course (rooms and surroundings)? course_localities

  • Linear scale 1-5
  • 1. Not at all
  • 5. Very much

3. How did you like the lunch(es) and “fika(s)”? lunch_fikas

  • Linear scale 1-5
  • 1. Not at all
  • 5. Very much

4. Any other comments? Comments_2

It was a great experience and we are working hard to make it even better. Now go make something great!