Lab instructions

Clone the course repository

Retrieve the entire repository including all datasets and notebooks.

cd ~/Desktop/course
git clone .

Inside you will find the following folders:

You will need to create specific conda environments as indicated below.

Environments See the pre-course installation, specifically 3. Create and activate the environment.
Environments - we merged the environments for many notebooks down to 4 environments.

Alternatively, you can find smaller environments below.

Before the course: data pre-processing
Day 1: Supervised and Unsupervised integration

In MacOSX you need to install XQuartz if you get errors related with rgl:

install.packages('session_ml/rgl_0.100.54.tgz', repos = NULL, type="source", dependencies = TRUE)
Day 2: Dimensionality reduction, deep learning, single-cell omics integration

After activating the environment as above, open the .Rmd below by launching Rstudio with rstudio & or the jupyter notebooks with jupyter-notebook.

Day 3: Network topology
Day 4: GEM structure and simulation with Cobrapy
Day 5: Gene set and reporter analysis