
Registration is open until 01 April 2019, 24:00GMT! Read the text below.



The fee does not include travel costs.

Entry requirements

The school is aimed at both Ph.D. students and researchers within life sciences who are already using basic R in their bioinformatics analyses and who would like to start using R at a more advanced level. In order for you and other participants to benefit the most, you should consider yourself eligible if you are comfortable with reading and transforming data, installing and using third-party packages and plotting using standard R graphics.

We offer places for participants from all over the world, but there is a number of places reserved for participants from Sweden.

Selection criteria

The school can accommodate 40 participants. Selection criteria include correct entry requirements, motivation to attend the course as well as gender and geographical balance.

Important dates

We provide accomodation 09-21 June 2019.


All participants will be accomodated in central Visby, within a walking distance to the school site. We have booked two different places: Mullbärsgården and Visby Vandrarhem. Both places offer a number of two-bed rooms and three-bed rooms. Some rooms are a part of a bigger appartment. You will be accomodated in a room based on your preferences and on the order in which you applied for the school. Both places are booked exclusively for us and provide breakfast buffé.

NOTE! For organizational reasons, we cannot provide or recommend any additional accomoodation for your families or friends. If you are planning to bring them over, we recommend that they arrive towards the end of the school (RaukR is rather intensive). There are several places in Visby where you can book extra accomodation.


Breakfast, lunch and refreshments are included in the fee. The fee also includes reception with refreshments on June 09 as well as the official course dinner on June 15 (tentative date) and a one-day excursion.

Registration form