We will be covering the following broad topics:
- reproducible research in R,
- using git/github and Rstudio to track code development,
- R code style guidelines,
- loops, apply functions and vectorization in R,
- understanding and using the system of R classes: S3, S4, and R6,
- anatomy of an R package: writing your own package from scratch,
- code debugging, profiling and optimisation.
- working with tidyverse packages,
- efficient use of pipes,
- creating workflows in R,
- using the language of graphics, ggplot2,
- working with maps (ggmap),
- interactive plots,
- introduction to shiny web applications,
- statistical tests in R,
- models in R,
- some machine learning in R,
- biobase and other core parts of Bioconductor,
- practical use of Bioconductor packages (own data or provided example data).