Reference genomic data for your projects are available from Ensembl. This is usually the latest build of the genome, transcriptome etc as well as the annotations in GTF or GFF format. Most common organisms are available from You can select the organism and then click on Download FASTA/Download GTF/GFF which takes you to the FTP site.
You can also go directly to their FTP site where you can select the type of data you need, and then select the organism. For eg; homo_sapiens, under which you find cdna, cds, dna, dna_index, ncrna and pep. Under dna, the FASTA files are available as full genome or as separate chromosomes. Each of them are again available as regular (repeat content as normal bases), soft-masked (sm, repeat content in lowercase) or repeat-masked (rm, repeat content as Ns). Full genomes are also available as primary assembly or top-level. Primary assembly is what most people would need. The top-level is much larger in size and contains non-chromosomal contigs, patches, haplotypes etc. This is significantly larger in size compared to the primary assembly.
Clades such as metazoa, protists, bacteria, fungi and plants are available through separate ensembl websites. These are listed on
Figure 2.1: Ensembl core schema.
In core database we can download annotation data. Annotations refer to known features (verified experimentally or predicted) in the genome. Usually, our features of interest in RNA-Seq are genes, their IDs, position in the genome, gene biotype (protein coding, non-coding etc) etc. We will also use the dplyr package to pipe data through functions.
## biomart version
## 1 ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL Ensembl Genes 104
## 2 ENSEMBL_MART_MOUSE Mouse strains 104
## 3 ENSEMBL_MART_SNP Ensembl Variation 104
## 4 ENSEMBL_MART_FUNCGEN Ensembl Regulation 104
We will use the code below to find the name of the Mouse ensembl genes dataset under ensembl mart.
mart <- useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL")
ds <-
# find all rows in dataset 'ds' where column 'description' contains the string 'mouse'
ds %>% filter(grepl("mouse",tolower(description)))
## dataset description
## 1 mcaroli_gene_ensembl Ryukyu mouse genes (CAROLI_EIJ_v1.1)
## 2 mmurinus_gene_ensembl Mouse Lemur genes (Mmur_3.0)
## 3 mmusculus_gene_ensembl Mouse genes (GRCm39)
## 4 mpahari_gene_ensembl Shrew mouse genes (PAHARI_EIJ_v1.1)
## 5 mspicilegus_gene_ensembl Steppe mouse genes (MUSP714)
## 6 mspretus_gene_ensembl Algerian mouse genes (SPRET_EiJ_v1)
## 7 pmbairdii_gene_ensembl Northern American deer mouse genes (HU_Pman_2.1)
## version
## 1 CAROLI_EIJ_v1.1
## 2 Mmur_3.0
## 3 GRCm39
## 4 PAHARI_EIJ_v1.1
## 5 MUSP714
## 6 SPRET_EiJ_v1
## 7 HU_Pman_2.1
Now that we know the name of the dataset, we can list all the columns (filters) in this dataset.
mart <- useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL")
mart <- useDataset(mart=mart,dataset="mmusculus_gene_ensembl")
la <- listAttributes(mart=mart)
## name description page
## 1 ensembl_gene_id Gene stable ID feature_page
## 2 ensembl_gene_id_version Gene stable ID version feature_page
## 3 ensembl_transcript_id Transcript stable ID feature_page
## 4 ensembl_transcript_id_version Transcript stable ID version feature_page
## 5 ensembl_peptide_id Protein stable ID feature_page
## 6 ensembl_peptide_id_version Protein stable ID version feature_page
One can also search for attributes of interest.
## name description
## 51 entrezgene_trans_name EntrezGene transcript name ID
## 67 entrezgene_description NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) description
## 68 entrezgene_accession NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) accession
## 69 entrezgene_id NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) ID
## page
## 51 feature_page
## 67 feature_page
## 68 feature_page
## 69 feature_page
We create a vector of our columns of interest.
myattributes <- c("ensembl_gene_id",
We then use this to download our data. Note that this can be a slow step.
mart <- useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL")
mart <- useDataset(mart=mart,dataset="mmusculus_gene_ensembl")
bdata <- getBM(mart=mart,attributes=myattributes,uniqueRows=T,
ensembl_gene_id entrezgene_id external_gene_name chromosome_name start_position
1 ENSMUSG00000064336 NA mt-Tf MT 1
2 ENSMUSG00000064337 NA mt-Rnr1 MT 70
3 ENSMUSG00000064338 NA mt-Tv MT 1025
4 ENSMUSG00000064339 NA mt-Rnr2 MT 1094
5 ENSMUSG00000064340 NA mt-Tl1 MT 2676
6 ENSMUSG00000064341 17716 mt-Nd1 MT 2751
end_position strand gene_biotype
1 68 1 Mt_tRNA
2 1024 1 Mt_rRNA
3 1093 1 Mt_tRNA
4 2675 1 Mt_rRNA
5 2750 1 Mt_tRNA
6 3707 1 protein_coding
1 mitochondrially encoded tRNA phenylalanine [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:102487]
2 mitochondrially encoded 12S rRNA [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:102493]
3 mitochondrially encoded tRNA valine [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:102472]
4 mitochondrially encoded 16S rRNA [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:102492]
5 mitochondrially encoded tRNA leucine 1 [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:102482]
6 mitochondrially encoded NADH dehydrogenase 1 [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:101787]
We find that there are several duplicates for all the IDs. This needs to be fixed when this information is to be used downstream.
[1] 292
[1] 35207
[1] 1103
# arrange table by chr name and start position
bdata <- dplyr::arrange(bdata,chromosome_name,start_position)
Here we download transcript to gene mappings. Notice that we can specify the mart
and dataset
in the useMart()
mart <- useMart(biomart="ensembl",dataset="mmusculus_gene_ensembl")
t2g <- getBM(attributes=c("ensembl_transcript_id","ensembl_gene_id","external_gene_name"),mart=mart,useCache=FALSE)
The transcipt information file is saved to a file and will be used in the lab on Kallisto.
Similarly, we can get entrez gene ID to GO ID relationships. List all the GO related filters:
mart <- biomaRt::useMart(biomart="ensembl",dataset="mmusculus_gene_ensembl")
la <- listAttributes(mart=mart)
# find all rows in dataset 'lf' where column 'name' contains the string 'go'
name description
18 with_go With GO ID(s)
19 with_goslim_goa With GOSlim GOA ID(s)
70 go GO ID(s) [e.g. GO:0000002]
71 goslim_goa GOSlim GOA ID(s) [e.g. GO:0000003]
169 go_parent_term Parent term accession
170 go_parent_name Parent term name
171 go_evidence_code GO Evidence code
212 with_cgobio_homolog Orthologous Channel bull blenny Genes
233 with_cldingo_homolog Orthologous Dingo Genes
257 with_ggorilla_homolog Orthologous Gorilla Genes
mart <- biomaRt::useMart(biomart="ensembl",dataset="mmusculus_gene_ensembl")
bdata <- getBM(mart=mart,attributes=c("entrezgene_id","go_id","go_linkage_type"),uniqueRows=T,useCache=FALSE)
We can also take a quick look at converting IDs. It is often desirable to convert a certain gene identifier to another (ensembl gene ID, entrez gene ID, gene ID). Sometimes, it may be necessary to convert gene IDs of one organism to another. biomaRt has a convenient function for this called getLDS()
Here is an example where we convert a few mouse ensembl IDs to Human Hugo gene IDs.
mouse_genes <- c("ENSMUSG00000035847","ENSMUSG00000000214")
mouse <- useMart("ensembl",dataset="mmusculus_gene_ensembl")
human <- useMart("ensembl",dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
getLDS(attributes=c("ensembl_gene_id"),filters="ensembl_gene_id",values=mouse_genes,mart=mouse, attributesL=c("external_gene_name"),martL=human,valuesL="external_gene_name",uniqueRows=F)
1 ENSMUSG00000000214 TH
2 ENSMUSG00000035847 IDS
3 ENSMUSG00000035847 AC244197.3