class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Object-Oriented Programming Models in R ## RaukR 2021 • Advanced R for Bioinformatics ###
Marcin Kierczak
### NBIS, SciLifeLab --- exclude: true count: false <link href="|Source+Sans+Pro:300,400,600|Ubuntu+Mono&subset=latin-ext" rel="stylesheet"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-mzrmE5qonljUremFsqc01SB46JvROS7bZs3IO2EmfFsd15uHvIt+Y8vEf7N7fWAU" crossorigin="anonymous"> <!-- ----------------- Only edit title & author above this ----------------- --> --- name: oop_ex1 ## OOP example <img src="oop_assets/oop_ex_1_object.jpg" width="450" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- name: oop_ex2 ## OOP example <img src="oop_assets/oop_ex_2_data.jpg" width="450" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- name: oop_ex3 ## OOP example <img src="oop_assets/oop_ex_3_data.jpg" width="450" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- name: oop_ex4 ## OOP example <img src="oop_assets/oop_ex_4_data.jpg" width="450" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- name: oop_ex5 ## OOP example <img src="oop_assets/oop_ex_5_getter.jpg" width="450" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- name: oop_ex7 ## OOP example <img src="oop_assets/oop_ex_7_getters.jpg" width="450" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- name: oop_ex8 ## OOP example <img src="oop_assets/oop_ex_8_setters.jpg" width="450" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- name: oop ## Object Oriented Programming * A programming paradigm. * We work with objects. * Reflects many real-life systems -- easy to model things. * Plato's cave (?): ideal objects -- classes, reflections -- instances. -- <img src="oop_assets/oop_concept.png" width="450" height="400" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- name: oop_in_r ## OOP Systems in R * **S3** -- basic R OOP system, * **S4** -- a bit more advanced OOP, common in, e.g. Bioconductor, * RC -- Reference Classes, the most advanced and close to, e.g. Java OOP, extension of S4, * **R6** -- simplified RC, extension of S3, `require(R6)` --- name: S4_classes ## S4 classes S4 classes are more advanced as you actually define the structure of the data within the object of your particular class: ```r setClass('gene', representation(name='character', coords='numeric') ) .intragenic_region <- setClass(Class = 'intragenic_region', slots = c( name='character', coords='numeric' ) ) my.gene <- new('gene', name = 'ANK3', coords = c(1.4e6, 1.412e6)) # but since SetClass returns a low-level constructor my.intra1 <- .intragenic_region(name = 'int1', coords = c(1.7e6, 1.717e6)) ``` --- name: S4_inheritance ## Inheritance in S4 ```r .ext_gene <- setClass(Class = 'ext_gene', contains = "gene", slots = c( gene = 'gene', feature_name = 'character', feature_value = 'character' )) ANK3 <- .ext_gene(name = 'ANK3', coords = c(1.4e6, 1.412e6), feature_name = 'num_introns', feature_value = '5') str(ANK3) ``` ``` ## Formal class 'ext_gene' [package ".GlobalEnv"] with 5 slots ## ..@ gene :Formal class 'gene' [package ".GlobalEnv"] with 2 slots ## .. .. ..@ name : chr(0) ## .. .. ..@ coords: num(0) ## ..@ feature_name : chr "num_introns" ## ..@ feature_value: chr "5" ## ..@ name : chr "ANK3" ## ..@ coords : num [1:2] 1400000 1412000 ``` --- name: S4_sealed ## Sealed Class Preventing double class definition: ```r setClass('Not_Sealed') setClass('Not_Sealed') ``` But to prevent this: ```r setClass('Sealed', sealed = T) setClass('Sealed') ``` ``` ## Error in setClass("Sealed"): "Sealed" has a sealed class definition and cannot be redefined ``` --- name: S4_slots ## S4 class -- slots The variables within an S4 class are stored in the so-called **slots**. In the above example, we have 2 such slots: *name* and *coords*. Here is how to access them: ```r my.gene@name # access using @ operator my.gene@coords[2] # access the 2nd element in slot coords ``` ``` ## [1] "ANK3" ## [1] 1412000 ``` --- name: S4_methods ## S4 class -- methods The power of classes lies in the fact that they define both the data types in particular slots and operations (functions) we can perform on them. Let us define a *generic print function* for an S4 class: ```r setMethod('print', 'gene', function(x) { cat('GENE: ', x@name, ' --> ') cat('[', x@coords, ']') }) print(my.gene) # and we use the newly defined print ``` ``` ## GENE: ANK3 --> [ 1400000 1412000 ] ``` --- name: S3_intro ## S3 Classes An S3 class object is one of R base types (e.g. integer) with `class` attribute set: -- .pull-left-50[ ```r obj <- factor(c("a", "b", "c")) typeof(obj) ``` ``` ## [1] "integer" ``` ```r class(obj) ``` ``` ## [1] "factor" ``` ] .pull-right-50[ ```r attributes(obj) ``` ``` ## $levels ## [1] "a" "b" "c" ## ## $class ## [1] "factor" ``` ```r str(obj) ``` ``` ## Factor w/ 3 levels "a","b","c": 1 2 3 ``` ] -- ```r print(obj) ``` ``` ## [1] a b c ## Levels: a b c ``` -- ```r print(unclass(obj)) ``` ``` ## [1] 1 2 3 ## attr(,"levels") ## [1] "a" "b" "c" ``` --- name: S3_custom_str ## Custom `str` Methods Some S3 classes provide a custom `str`, e.g.: ```r time <- strptime("2018-06-07", "%Y-%m-%d") ``` .pull-left-50[ ```r str(time) ``` ``` ## POSIXlt[1:1], format: "2018-06-07" ``` ] .pull-right-50[ ```r str(unclass(time)) ``` ``` ## List of 11 ## $ sec : num 0 ## $ min : int 0 ## $ hour : int 0 ## $ mday : int 7 ## $ mon : int 5 ## $ year : int 118 ## $ wday : int 4 ## $ yday : int 157 ## $ isdst : int 1 ## $ zone : chr "CEST" ## $ gmtoff: int NA ``` ] --- name: S3_generic_dispatch ## Generic Methods and Method Dispatch Have you ever wondered why `print()` or `summary()` work on many types (classes) of data? -- They are so-called *generics*, i.e. functions and methods that operate on classes. They know which method to apply to which class thanks to the process of *method dispatch*. The naming scheme for generics is: `generic.class()` i.e. a generic that applies to the `class` class. Examples: * `print.factor()`, * `print.default()`, * ``. To see the code of a method: ```r getS3method('summary', 'lm') %>% head(n = 5) ``` ``` ## ## 1 function (object, correlation = FALSE, symbolic.cor = FALSE, ## 2 ...) ## 3 { ## 4 z <- object ## 5 p <- z$rank ``` --- name: S3_constructing ## Creating S3 Classes To create an S3 class, simply give a name to a data structure: ```r gf <- structure(list(), class = 'genomic_features') class(gf) ``` ``` ## [1] "genomic_features" ``` OR ```r gf <- list() class(gf) <- 'genomic_features' class(gf) ``` ``` ## [1] "genomic_features" ``` You can use some inheritance too: ```r egf <- list() class(egf) <- c('genomic_features', 'extended_genomic_features') class(egf) ``` ``` ## [1] "genomic_features" "extended_genomic_features" ``` --- name: S3_correctness_checks ## Checking for Corectness ```r linmod <- with(mtcars, lm(log(mpg) ~ log(disp))) linmod ``` ``` ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = log(mpg) ~ log(disp)) ## ## Coefficients: ## (Intercept) log(disp) ## 5.3810 -0.4586 ``` -- ```r class(linmod) <- "data.frame" linmod ``` ``` ## [1] coefficients residuals effects rank fitted.values ## [6] assign qr df.residual xlevels call ## [11] terms model ## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names) ``` -- .center[ # S C A R Y ! ] --- name: software_engineering ## Software engineering .pull-left-50[ <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="oop_assets/Margaret_Hamilton_-_restoration.jpg" alt="Margaret Hamilton, source: Wikimedia Commons" width="3059" height="500" /> <p class="caption">Margaret Hamilton, source: Wikimedia Commons</p> </div> ] -- .pull-right-50[ <img src="oop_assets/Design-Pattern-GoF-Book.jpg" width="1803" height="500" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- name: design_pattern ## Design patterns .pull-left-50[ <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="oop_assets/Door_1.JPG" alt="source: Wikimedia Commons" width="1365" height="400" /> <p class="caption">source: Wikimedia Commons</p> </div> ] -- .pull-right-50[ <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="oop_assets/Door_5_CompressionBraceLoads-1.jpg" alt="source:" width="483" height="400" /> <p class="caption">source:</p> </div> ] --- name: design_patterns ## R and Design Pattern * **strategy** — `apply()` * **decorator** — `system_time()` ```r system.time(x <- runif(n = 100000)) x[1:5] ``` ``` ## user system elapsed ## 0.003 0.000 0.004 ## [1] 0.3894947 0.6217249 0.8872205 0.8345287 0.1444515 ``` * **wrapper** ```r my_plot <- function(...) { plot(..., col = 'blue', las = 1, cex = .5, pch = 19, cex.axis = .7) } ``` * **singleton** [see this gist]( * **fluent function interface** — `tidyverse` functions take data `x` as the very first argument and return object similar to `x` so that they can be chained by `%>%` Even more patterns [here]( --- name: S3_helper_validator_constructor ## Constructor, Validator * Constructor ```r new_Animal <- function(species, age) { stopifnot(is.character(species)) stopifnot(is.numeric(age)) structure( species, age = age, class = "Animal" ) } ``` * Validator ```r validate_Animal <- function(x) { species <- unclass(x) age <- attr(x, 'age') if ( || species == "") { stop('Species name is missing!', call. = FALSE) } if (!is.numeric(age) || age < 1 || age >= 100) { stop("Invalid age!", call. = FALSE) } return(x) } ``` --- name: S3_helper ## Helper * Helper ```r Animal <- function(x) { species <- x[[1]] age <- x[[2]] validate_Animal(new_Animal(species, age)) } ``` -- ```r # Testing dog <- Animal(list('Canis familiaris', 7)) class(dog) ``` ``` ## [1] "Animal" ``` -- ```r cat <- Animal(list('Felis felis', '9')) ``` ``` ## Error in new_Animal(species, age): is.numeric(age) is not TRUE ``` ```r cat <- Animal(list('Felis felis', 9)) class(cat) ``` ``` ## [1] "Animal" ``` --- name: S3_object_styles ## Building S3 Classes -- Styles One can build an S3 class on top of any existing base type, e.g. a named list: ```r point_in_space_class <- function(x, y, z) { structure( list( x = x, y = y, z = z ), class = "point_in_space_class" ) } ``` --- name: R6_intro ## Introduction to R6 classes * `require(R6)`, * do not rely on S4 like RC, but on S3, * are faster than RC, * do not do *copy-on-modify*, * thus provide OO model similar to C++ or Java. * methods belong to objects, not to generics. --- name: R6 ## R6 Class Example ```r library(R6) Person <- R6Class("Person", public = list( name = NULL, hair = NULL, initialize = function(name = NA, hair = NA) { stopifnot(is.character(name), is.character(hair)) self$name <- name self$hair <- hair self$greet() }, set_hair = function(val) { self$hair <- val }, greet = function() { cat(paste0("Hello, my name is ", self$name, ".\n")) } ) ) ``` --- name: R6_Kate ## R6 in Action ```r kate <- Person$new(name = 'Kate', hair = 'blond') str(kate) ``` ``` ## Hello, my name is Kate. ## Classes 'Person', 'R6' <Person> ## Public: ## clone: function (deep = FALSE) ## greet: function () ## hair: blond ## initialize: function (name = NA, hair = NA) ## name: Kate ## set_hair: function (val) ``` -- ```r kate$greet() kate$set_hair('red') kate ``` ``` ## Hello, my name is Kate. ## <Person> ## Public: ## clone: function (deep = FALSE) ## greet: function () ## hair: red ## initialize: function (name = NA, hair = NA) ## name: Kate ## set_hair: function (val) ``` --- ## R6 copy-on-modify ```r kate$hair ``` ``` ## [1] "red" ``` -- ```r ann <- kate ann$set_hair('blue') ann$hair ``` ``` ## [1] "blue" ``` -- ```r kate$hair ``` ``` ## [1] "blue" ``` --- name: report ## Session * This presentation was created in RStudio using [`remarkjs`]( framework through R package [`xaringan`]( * For R Markdown, see <> * For R Markdown presentations, see <> ```r R.version ``` ``` ## _ ## platform x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 ## arch x86_64 ## os darwin17.0 ## system x86_64, darwin17.0 ## status ## major 4 ## minor 0.3 ## year 2020 ## month 10 ## day 10 ## svn rev 79318 ## language R ## version.string R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10) ## nickname Bunny-Wunnies Freak Out ``` --- name: end-slide class: end-slide # Thank you