In this tutorial, we will examplify some model testing approaches using R. We will use nested multiple logistic regression models on the previously used GWAS data; since this use case borders on feature selection, we will also touch upon both frequentist and Bayesian approaches for this.

1 Data

We will re-use the data from the GWAS workshop, but for practice purpose analyze it using logistic regression.

We start by extracting the genotypes and phenotypes as data-frames from the GenAbel data format. For simplicity we will assume a linear coding of genotypes and assume an additive association model – notice that this may or may not be the optimal choice. We save them in a joint data-frame, mydata.

Several model comparison tests (lrtest, anova) in R require that the compared model are estimated on exactly the same data set; this means that some variables has missing values, which are excluded in the model fitting, will cause problems. For simplicity, we here therefore exclude all rows with missing values in any SNP.

We will make use of the top 20 best SNPs from the results in the GWAS workshop. We save the names of these in the vector top_snps.

As this procedure may take some time, I have saved the resulting mydata and top_snps in the R-file mydata.R, which can be loaded into R directly. This file should be available in a download link on the course programme page. Download it, load it into R, and look at the first entries of mydata and top_snps.

myRfile="data/mydata.R" # change this to fit the location where you download the R-file
  #extract as data.frame
  top_snps=an@results[,"P1df", drop=FALSE]
  mydata=merge(genot[,names(genot) %in% top_snps], phenot, by="row.names")
  # remove rows with missing values
  save(mydata,top_snps, file=myRfile)

## [1] rs12629868 rs6444131  rs4541401  rs10871764 rs11919115 rs2665749 
## 727777 Levels: AFFX-SNP_10105880__rs3737108 ... SNP_A-2280133

2 Models

We want to investigate how the top SNPs identified in the GWAS workshop can be combined into a multivariate model. Do we need all SNPs or just a subset? How can we evaluate which subset is best?

Logistic regression is an appropriate model to model \(Y\) that takes values that are either 0 or 1, and is therefore typically used for case-control data, as in our case.

Formally, logistic regression is a generalized linear model (GLM) with a logit link function and a binomial dispersion function. Here we don’t model the outcome directly, but rather the log odds of the outcome:

\[\log \frac{Pr[y=1]}{1-Pr[y=1]}\sim\beta_0+ \beta_1 x_1 +\beta_2 x_2 + \ldots, \beta_n x_n\] where \(\log \frac{Pr[y=1]}{1-Pr[y=1]}\) is the logit-function of \(Pr[y=1]\). More generally we can write

\[logit(Pr[Y]) \sim X\boldsymbol{\beta}\] Even more formally, the \(logit(Y)\) is assumed to be distributed around \(X\boldsymbol{\beta}\) according to a Binomial distribution (this is the dispersion function).

R has a function glm that is the GLM version of lm function for linear models. To get glm to model a logistic function, set the argument family=binomial(link=logit). Look up the help for glm and try to create a list of 10 GLMs, which includes an increasing number of SNPs from the top_snps list and with sex as a covariate. Print each GLM.

models = list()
for(n in 1:20){
  models[[n]] = glm(as.formula(paste("pheno ~ sex + ", paste(top_snps[seq(1,n)], collapse=" + "))), data=mydata, family=binomial(link=logit))
  print(paste0("M", n))
## [1] "M1"
## pheno ~ sex + rs12629868
## [1] "M2"
## pheno ~ sex + rs12629868 + rs6444131
## [1] "M3"
## pheno ~ sex + rs12629868 + rs6444131 + rs4541401
## [1] "M4"
## pheno ~ sex + rs12629868 + rs6444131 + rs4541401 + rs10871764
## [1] "M5"
## pheno ~ sex + rs12629868 + rs6444131 + rs4541401 + rs10871764 + 
##     rs11919115
## [1] "M6"
## pheno ~ sex + rs12629868 + rs6444131 + rs4541401 + rs10871764 + 
##     rs11919115 + rs2665749
## [1] "M7"
## pheno ~ sex + rs12629868 + rs6444131 + rs4541401 + rs10871764 + 
##     rs11919115 + rs2665749 + rs2036834
## [1] "M8"
## pheno ~ sex + rs12629868 + rs6444131 + rs4541401 + rs10871764 + 
##     rs11919115 + rs2665749 + rs2036834 + rs7912228
## [1] "M9"
## pheno ~ sex + rs12629868 + rs6444131 + rs4541401 + rs10871764 + 
##     rs11919115 + rs2665749 + rs2036834 + rs7912228 + rs10080513
## [1] "M10"
## pheno ~ sex + rs12629868 + rs6444131 + rs4541401 + rs10871764 + 
##     rs11919115 + rs2665749 + rs2036834 + rs7912228 + rs10080513 + 
##     rs310672
## [1] "M11"
## pheno ~ sex + rs12629868 + rs6444131 + rs4541401 + rs10871764 + 
##     rs11919115 + rs2665749 + rs2036834 + rs7912228 + rs10080513 + 
##     rs310672 + rs9450686
## [1] "M12"
## pheno ~ sex + rs12629868 + rs6444131 + rs4541401 + rs10871764 + 
##     rs11919115 + rs2665749 + rs2036834 + rs7912228 + rs10080513 + 
##     rs310672 + rs9450686 + rs6777345
## [1] "M13"
## pheno ~ sex + rs12629868 + rs6444131 + rs4541401 + rs10871764 + 
##     rs11919115 + rs2665749 + rs2036834 + rs7912228 + rs10080513 + 
##     rs310672 + rs9450686 + rs6777345 + rs17768133
## [1] "M14"
## pheno ~ sex + rs12629868 + rs6444131 + rs4541401 + rs10871764 + 
##     rs11919115 + rs2665749 + rs2036834 + rs7912228 + rs10080513 + 
##     rs310672 + rs9450686 + rs6777345 + rs17768133 + rs13316955
## [1] "M15"
## pheno ~ sex + rs12629868 + rs6444131 + rs4541401 + rs10871764 + 
##     rs11919115 + rs2665749 + rs2036834 + rs7912228 + rs10080513 + 
##     rs310672 + rs9450686 + rs6777345 + rs17768133 + rs13316955 + 
##     rs6909585
## [1] "M16"
## pheno ~ sex + rs12629868 + rs6444131 + rs4541401 + rs10871764 + 
##     rs11919115 + rs2665749 + rs2036834 + rs7912228 + rs10080513 + 
##     rs310672 + rs9450686 + rs6777345 + rs17768133 + rs13316955 + 
##     rs6909585 + rs2250795
## [1] "M17"
## pheno ~ sex + rs12629868 + rs6444131 + rs4541401 + rs10871764 + 
##     rs11919115 + rs2665749 + rs2036834 + rs7912228 + rs10080513 + 
##     rs310672 + rs9450686 + rs6777345 + rs17768133 + rs13316955 + 
##     rs6909585 + rs2250795 + rs9450749
## [1] "M18"
## pheno ~ sex + rs12629868 + rs6444131 + rs4541401 + rs10871764 + 
##     rs11919115 + rs2665749 + rs2036834 + rs7912228 + rs10080513 + 
##     rs310672 + rs9450686 + rs6777345 + rs17768133 + rs13316955 + 
##     rs6909585 + rs2250795 + rs9450749 + rs8031841
## [1] "M19"
## pheno ~ sex + rs12629868 + rs6444131 + rs4541401 + rs10871764 + 
##     rs11919115 + rs2665749 + rs2036834 + rs7912228 + rs10080513 + 
##     rs310672 + rs9450686 + rs6777345 + rs17768133 + rs13316955 + 
##     rs6909585 + rs2250795 + rs9450749 + rs8031841 + rs1279446
## [1] "M20"
## pheno ~ sex + rs12629868 + rs6444131 + rs4541401 + rs10871764 + 
##     rs11919115 + rs2665749 + rs2036834 + rs7912228 + rs10080513 + 
##     rs310672 + rs9450686 + rs6777345 + rs17768133 + rs13316955 + 
##     rs6909585 + rs2250795 + rs9450749 + rs8031841 + rs1279446 + 
##     rs7671868


We will start to compare our models using a likelihood ratio test (LRT)


where \(mL[M_i|X,Y]\) is the maximum Likelihood of model \(M_i\). Recall that \(2\log L\sim \chi^2(\delta)\), where \(\delta\) is the difference in dimension (“number of variabels) between the models; this provides us with a significance test.

We will use the lrtest function in the lmtest package to perform likelihood ratio tests (LRT) sequentially between model with increasing number of variables. One way of doing this could be to loop through the different model comparisons, store the results in a data.frame and then display it in a table. Try to implement this.


lrt=data.frame(models="1 variable", added_variable=top_snps[1],llprev=NA, llnew=NA, lr=NA, P = NA, significant=NA,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) #data.frame to store results in
for(i in seq(2,20)){                                        
  fit=lrtest(models[[i-1]], models[[i]])         # perform lrtest
  p=fit$`Pr(>Chisq)`[2]                          # alias for p-value (for convenience of typing)
  lr=fit$LogLik[1]-fit$LogLik[2]                 # compute LR 
  signif = ifelse(p > 0.05,"-",ifelse(p > 0.01,"*",ifelse(p > 0.005, "**","***"))) # significance level
  # store result
  lrt[i,] = list(paste0(i," variables"), top_snps[i], signif(fit$LogLik[1], 5), signif(fit$LogLik[2], 5), format(lr, digits=4), format(fit$`Pr(>Chisq)`[2],digits=3, scientific=-1), signif)
lrt[order(as.numeric(lrt$P), na.last=T),]

However, we find that lrtest, in the spirit of R, can take more than two models as argument, e.g., lrtest(models[[1]], models[[2]], models[[3]]). We can therefore perform exactly the sequential test we had in mind in one function call. How would you do that? (tip: look up the function.

# Since we have fitted models in a list, we make use of the function, which 
# extracts the elements in the list and sends them as arguments to the lrtest call."lrtest", models)

Moreover, there are other functions that can perform LRTs. The anova function, when presented with more than one model, peforms an analysis of deviance test; since the deviance is equivalent to the LR, this test is equivalent to a LRT. Try to perform an analysis of deviance using the anova function (tip: to get p-values, you need to pass the argument test=Chisq" toanova``)

# If we want p-values, we need to pass the named argument ``test`` to anova; we therefore 
# add this to our list of arguments (i.e., the list of models)"anova", c(models, list("test"="Chisq")))

We will wait a while before evaluating and interpretating the result.


LRT only makes use of the relative likelilhood when comparing models. Often the aim is to also to try to find as small a model as possible, i.e., to balance the likelihood against having as few variables as possible. The Akakike Information Content (AIC) provides one such balance. The AIC for a model \(m\) is

\[AIC_m = 2\#(\boldsymbol{\beta}\neq 0)-2\log mL[\boldsymbol{\beta}|X,Y]\] As we saw in the lecture, this is actually a penalized LRT. The aim is to select the model with minimum \(AIC\).

We can compare the Akaike information index (AIC) between out models using the AIC function in the stats package. Try to look up help for AIC and perform such analysis (tip: For some unknown reason, on AIC returns garbled-up AIC return value, but for some other unknown reason, it suffices to set the row.names of this return value to `NULL!?).

my.aic <- function(x) {
  x <-, x)
  rownames(x) <- NULL


If we look at the output from the glm function from each model, we see that glm actually computes AIC, so we could just list these:

for(i in seq(1,20)){
  print(paste0("M",i,": aic = ",models[[i]]$aic))
## [1] "M1: aic = 191.413826142946"
## [1] "M2: aic = 191.347340504348"
## [1] "M3: aic = 193.134436330627"
## [1] "M4: aic = 176.762372070646"
## [1] "M5: aic = 178.663456001373"
## [1] "M6: aic = 170.538222942918"
## [1] "M7: aic = 169.411055539535"
## [1] "M8: aic = 157.4572711016"
## [1] "M9: aic = 151.317844935567"
## [1] "M10: aic = 145.029287082904"
## [1] "M11: aic = 143.961602761146"
## [1] "M12: aic = 145.956326173936"
## [1] "M13: aic = 144.684882688072"
## [1] "M14: aic = 146.682762084756"
## [1] "M15: aic = 148.142792468267"
## [1] "M16: aic = 149.23617930652"
## [1] "M17: aic = 151.230782385327"
## [1] "M18: aic = 130.240122525795"
## [1] "M19: aic = 121.55817408892"
## [1] "M20: aic = 119.609696365098"

5 Interpretation – How useful is this?

If we plot the log likelihoods (significant changes marked by *) and AICs, we see that the “best” model overall seems to be the one including all 20 SNPs, in that the addition of variable 20 improves likelihood significantly and this model has the overall minimal AIC.

However, we also notice that:

  • the likelihoods increases as we add more variables, just as expected. However, not every added variable gives rise to a significantly better model.
  • the AICs display several local minima, that sequentially gets lower and lower.
plot(lrt2$LogLik, pch=ifelse(lrt2$`Pr(>Chisq)`<0.05, 8,1))
legend("bottomright",legend=c('signif', 'not'), pch=c(8,1))

Try to think about why this is so and why this could be a problem (then click the code button)?

# We add variables sequentially according to their significance level in the single 
# SNP GWAS analysis. However, this appears not to be the optimal sequence to add the 
# variables in a multivariate model.
# Variables 2 and 3 probably reflects the same signal as variable 1, perhaps because 
# the three SNPs are in LD, hence the SNP appears significant in the single SNP 
# analysis, but only marginally improves likelihood in the multivariate analysis, 
# and only have very marginally, or even worse AIC.
# Variable 4 is likely to represent a new independent signal (significantly 
# better likelihood and lower AIC), while variable 5 does not contribute anything 
# new, and so on.
# This means that our "best" model, with all 20 SNPs included, contains a lot of 
# unnecessary variables, which is what we want to avoid. In fact, finding the
# smallest best model is the whole idea with AIC, but if we should have stopped 
# once the AIC went up, we would have missed, e.g., variable 4, which seems 
# clearly relevant to include in the model.
# Hence, balancing maximization of likelihood and minimization of model complexity 
# (i.e., the number of variables) is not the whole solution. We obviously need to 
# think about the order in which variables are added to the model.

Think about how can we solve this problem (then click the code button)?

# There are some different approaches one could use
# The raw force solution would be to test all possible models that include subsets 
# of our 20 variables in different combinations  and test them against each other, 
# e.g., using AIC. However, this "best subset" approach becomes too cumbersome as 
# the number of possible variables to include grows. For our case, there are 
# 2^20=1048576 possible models to test against each other (549755289600 tests).
# One could use our original approach, but alter it so that each time an added 
# variable yields a model with a insignificantly better likelihood or worse AIC, 
# we simply discard ity and continue with the next variable.
# This is very close to the:
# 2a. FORWARD SELECTION variant of stepwise regression
# Here, instead at each step, all remaining variables are tested for addition 
# to the current model and the one with the best, significant, improvement (if 
# any) is selected for addition.
# 2b. BACKWARD ELIMINATION variant of stepwise regression
# Here instead, we start with all variables included and then try to remove one 
# of them, trying all variants and selecting the one with the least, insignificant, 
# change in likelihood/AIC (if any) is chosen for removal.
# Combine regularization on the summed effect sizes with an efficient algorithm 
# for variable addition. This is one of the situations that lasso was designed for.
# The Bayesian approach would be to include all variables but apply prior 
# distributions on models and model parameters (i.e., effect sizes, betas)

A note on random seed: The functions below are probabilistic and will use random starting points, so the exact values for certain output may vary a little between subsequent runs. By providing a seed to R’s random number generator, we force the analyses to be performed the same way each time. To obtain exactly the same result as in this document set the seed to 85.


6 Lasso

Lasso search the model space and uses a regularization approach to select the best (nested) model. The optmization criterion can be written, e.g.:

\[min_{\boldsymbol{\beta}}\left\{\frac{1}{N} ||Y-X\boldsymbol{\beta}||_2^2\right\} \textrm{subject to} ||\boldsymbol{\beta}||_1\leq \lambda\] i.e., Least squares with a limit on the \(L_1\) norm of \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\) as a auxiliary criterion.

Try to implement a LASSO analysis of our data. There are (at least) two packages that implement LASSO, lars+covTest and glmnet. However, the lars and covTest implementation for GLMs appears to be unstable, so use glmnet instead. glmnet uses a cross-validation approach to select the optimal \(\lambda\) to use (\(\lambda_{min}\)). Look up the help page for glmnet and try to identify \(\lambda_{min}\) and the effect sizes \(\beta_i\) for the different variables \(i\) at \(\lambda_{min}\). Also plot the coefficient profile for \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\) as a function the lasso-path of \(\lambda\) and the cross-validation curve for estimating \(\lambda_{min}\). (tip: preferably use the deviance as the type-measure when estimating \(\lambda_{min}\) as some of the alternatives – class– gives unstable results).

# glmnet wants input with predictors x and outcome y separated 
# so let's extract them from my data.
x=as.matrix(mydata[,-which(names(mydata) == "pheno")], rownames=1)
# run the lasso analysis
# plot trace of effect sizes as variables are added with decreasing lambda
plot(glasso, xvar="norm",label=T)

# use cross validation to estimate optimal lambda
glasso_fit <- cv.glmnet(x, y, family="binomial", nfolds=50, type.measure="deviance")
# extract the estimated coefficient under optimal lambda
coef=coef(glasso_fit, s = "lambda.min")
paste0("Optimal lambda = ", signif(glasso_fit$lambda.min, 5), " which selects a model with ",length(coef@i)," variables")

# tabulate the coefficients in decreasing order -- tricky extraction 
# from the cv.glmnet class object!
effects=data.frame(snp=coef@Dimnames[[1]][coef@i+1], beta=coef@x)
## [1] "Optimal lambda = 0.012919 which selects a model with 16 variables"

7 Bayesian approach

Let’s also try a Bayesian approach to feature selection. The bas.glm function in the BASpackage uses a Bayesian Adaptive Sampling algorithm (or MCMC) for variable selection in GLMs. It explores the landscape of possible models and assigns posterior probabilities for each variable to be included in the model, given the data.

The posterior probability distribution over models \(M\) and their associated variable effect sizes \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\) is

\[Pr[M, \boldsymbol{\beta}|Y, X] = \frac{Pr[Y|M, \boldsymbol{\beta}, X]Pr[\boldsymbol{\beta}|M]Pr[M]}{Pr[Y|X]}\] where \(Pr[\boldsymbol{\beta}|M]\) and \(Pr[M]\) are prior distributions over effect sizes and models, respectively.

The posterior inclusion probability for variable \(i\) is the probabiity that its effect size \(\beta_i \neq 0\) (remember that our nested model can be described in terms of a more general model by constraining some parameters, e.g., \(\beta_i\), to \(0\)). This probability can be computed by averaging the event \(\beta_i \neq 0\) over the posterior distribution, \[Pr[\beta_i \neq 0|Y,X] = \sum_{M}\int_{\boldsymbol{\beta}} I(\beta_i\neq 0)Pr[M, \boldsymbol{\beta}|Y, X] d\boldsymbol{\beta} dM,\] where the indicator function \(I(\beta_i\neq 0) = 1\) if \(\beta_i\neq 0\) and \(0\) otherwise.

bas.glm provides a few choices of \(Pr[\boldsymbol{\beta}|M]\) (including AIC and BIC) and \(Pr[M]\). Read the help page for bas.glmand try to perform a Bayesian variable selection using bas.glm (tip: as bas.glm takes some time searching through the model/variable space, it might be a good idea to reduce the number of possible variables in the GLMs model by, say, only using the top 5 SNPs in top_snps while trying out your code – once your code is stable, you can apply it to the full model).


nvars = 20 # change to lower values when testing
f = as.formula(paste("pheno ~ sex + ", paste(top_snps[seq(1,nvars)], collapse=" + ")))

bayes=bas.glm(f, data=mydata, family=binomial(link=logit),betaprior=aic.prior(), modelprior=uniform())
## [1] "Number of models is BIG -this may take a while"
## Call:
## bas.glm(formula = f, family = binomial(link = logit), data = mydata, 
##     betaprior = aic.prior(), modelprior = uniform())
##  Marginal Posterior Inclusion Probabilities: 
##  Intercept         sex  rs12629868   rs6444131   rs4541401  rs10871764  
##     1.0000      0.2851      0.8308      0.3979      0.4242      0.6146  
## rs11919115   rs2665749   rs2036834   rs7912228  rs10080513    rs310672  
##     0.4539      0.5992      0.6355      0.9630      0.3464      0.6523  
##  rs9450686   rs6777345  rs17768133  rs13316955   rs6909585   rs2250795  
##     0.5103      0.4058      0.6316      0.2848      0.4162      0.3025  
##  rs9450749   rs8031841   rs1279446   rs7671868  
##     0.3297      0.9992      0.9933      0.8261  
## [1] 22

Which variables would you consider important for the model?

8 The rest of the lab…

This is the end of this file, but not the end of the lab/tutorial/workshop. For further applications of Lasso and other feature selection methods, please now go on to do items 9-12 in the General Statistics lab.

There are no course lab on integrative methods, as it is a quite specialized issue. However, those interested can try out the MixOmics tutorials for their MINT and DIABLO methods. Also look at the descriptions of MINT and DIABLO.

9 Session Info

  • This document has been created in RStudio using R Markdown and related packages.
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## R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.5
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
## LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
## locale:
## [1] sv_SE.UTF-8/sv_SE.UTF-8/sv_SE.UTF-8/C/sv_SE.UTF-8/sv_SE.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] BAS_1.5.0        covTest_1.02     MASS_7.3-50      glmpath_0.98    
##  [5] survival_2.42-3  glmnet_2.0-16    foreach_1.4.4    Matrix_1.2-14   
##  [9] lars_1.2         lmtest_0.9-36    zoo_1.8-1        kableExtra_0.9.0
## [13] forcats_0.3.0    stringr_1.3.1    dplyr_0.7.5      purrr_0.2.5     
## [17] readr_1.1.1      tidyr_0.8.1      tibble_1.4.2     ggplot2_2.2.1   
## [21] tidyverse_1.2.1  captioner_2.2.3  bookdown_0.7     knitr_1.20      
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] Rcpp_0.12.17      lubridate_1.7.4   lattice_0.20-35  
##  [4] assertthat_0.2.0  rprojroot_1.3-2   digest_0.6.15    
##  [7] psych_1.8.4       R6_2.2.2          cellranger_1.1.0 
## [10] plyr_1.8.4        backports_1.1.2   evaluate_0.10.1  
## [13] httr_1.3.1        pillar_1.2.3      rlang_0.2.1      
## [16] lazyeval_0.2.1    readxl_1.1.0      rstudioapi_0.7   
## [19] rmarkdown_1.10    splines_3.4.4     foreign_0.8-70   
## [22] munsell_0.5.0     broom_0.4.4       compiler_3.4.4   
## [25] modelr_0.1.2      xfun_0.1          pkgconfig_2.0.1  
## [28] mnormt_1.5-5      htmltools_0.3.6   tidyselect_0.2.4 
## [31] codetools_0.2-15  viridisLite_0.3.0 crayon_1.3.4     
## [34] grid_3.4.4        nlme_3.1-137      jsonlite_1.5     
## [37] gtable_0.2.0      magrittr_1.5      scales_0.5.0     
## [40] cli_1.0.0         stringi_1.2.3     reshape2_1.4.3   
## [43] bindrcpp_0.2.2    xml2_1.2.0        iterators_1.0.9  
## [46] tools_3.4.4       Cairo_1.5-9       glue_1.2.0       
## [49] hms_0.4.2         parallel_3.4.4    yaml_2.1.19      
## [52] colorspace_1.3-2  rvest_0.3.2       bindr_0.1.1      
## [55] haven_1.1.1

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