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GFF to GTF conversion#

It exists many GFF formats and many GTF formats (see here for a complete review) and many tools to perform the conversion. We will try to see in this review the main differences.

Table of Contents#

Test summary#

tool respect GTF format UTR conserved attribute conserved Stop codon removed from CDS Comment
AGAT Yes - All (default GTF3) Yes it converts UTR terms to the appropriate ones according to the GTF version selected. Yes - All Yes (Only if the feature is present in the file. If not it is possible to add it via Can take any GTF GFF as input. The only one keeping comments at the beginning of the file.
gffread No - They say GTF2.2 but it is not: transcript should be removed; start_codon and stop_codon should stay. No No No
GenomeTools No - only CDS and exon kept No No No gene_id and transcript_id get new identifiers.
ea-utils No - only CDS and exon kept No No No
TransDecoder No - start and stop codon removed No Name only No Needs the fasta file for the conversion. Location of the last CDS modified and incorrect
Kent utils No - gene is missing or transcript is superfluous to be compliant to one of the GTF format No No Yes Create a new attribute 'gene_name'.

The GFF file to convert#

The test file is a GFF3 file:

##gff-version 3
# This is a test sample
scaffold625 maker   gene    337818  343277  .   +   .   ID=CLUHARG00000005458;Name=TUBB3_2
scaffold625 maker   mRNA    337818  343277  .   +   .   ID=CLUHART00000008717;Parent=CLUHARG00000005458
scaffold625 maker   tss 337916  337918  .   +   .   ID=CLUHART00000008717:tss;Parent=CLUHART00000008717
scaffold625 maker   start_codon 337916  337918  .   +   .   ID=CLUHART00000008717:start;Parent=CLUHART00000008717
scaffold625 maker   CDS 337915  337971  .   +   0   ID=CLUHART00000008717:cds;Parent=CLUHART00000008717
scaffold625 maker   CDS 340733  340841  .   +   0   ID=CLUHART00000008717:cds;Parent=CLUHART00000008717
scaffold625 maker   CDS 341518  341628  .   +   2   ID=CLUHART00000008717:cds;Parent=CLUHART00000008717
scaffold625 maker   CDS 341964  343033  .   +   2   ID=CLUHART00000008717:cds;Parent=CLUHART00000008717
scaffold625 maker   stop_codon  343031  343033  .   +   .   ID=CLUHART00000008717:stop;Parent=CLUHART00000008717
scaffold625 maker   exon    337818  337971  .   +   .   ID=CLUHART00000008717:exon1;Parent=CLUHART00000008717
scaffold625 maker   exon    340733  340841  .   +   .   ID=CLUHART00000008717:exon2;Parent=CLUHART00000008717
scaffold625 maker   exon    341518  341628  .   +   .   ID=CLUHART00000008717:exon3;Parent=CLUHART00000008717
scaffold625 maker   exon    341964  343277  .   +   .   ID=CLUHART00000008717:exon4;Parent=CLUHART00000008717
scaffold625 maker   five_prime_utr  337818  337914  .   +   .   ID=CLUHART00000008717:five_prime_utr;Parent=CLUHART00000008717
scaffold625 maker   three_prime_UTR 343034  343277  .   +   .   ID=CLUHART00000008717:three_prime_utr;Parent=CLUHART00000008717

The converters#


AGAT v0.5.1 --gff 1_test.gff -o 1_test_agat.gtf

##gtf-version 3
##This is a test sample
scaffold625 maker   gene    337818  343277  .   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; ID "CLUHARG00000005458"; Name "TUBB3_2";
scaffold625 maker   transcript  337818  343277  .   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; ID "CLUHART00000008717"; Parent "CLUHARG00000005458"; original_biotype "mrna";
scaffold625 maker   exon    337818  337971  .   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; ID "CLUHART00000008717:exon1"; Parent "CLUHART00000008717";
scaffold625 maker   exon    340733  340841  .   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; ID "CLUHART00000008717:exon2"; Parent "CLUHART00000008717";
scaffold625 maker   exon    341518  341628  .   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; ID "CLUHART00000008717:exon3"; Parent "CLUHART00000008717";
scaffold625 maker   exon    341964  343277  .   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; ID "CLUHART00000008717:exon4"; Parent "CLUHART00000008717";
scaffold625 maker   CDS 337915  337971  .   +   0   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; ID "CLUHART00000008717:cds"; Parent "CLUHART00000008717";
scaffold625 maker   CDS 340733  340841  .   +   0   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; ID "CLUHART00000008717:cds"; Parent "CLUHART00000008717";
scaffold625 maker   CDS 341518  341628  .   +   2   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; ID "CLUHART00000008717:cds"; Parent "CLUHART00000008717";
scaffold625 maker   CDS 341964  343030  .   +   2   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; ID "CLUHART00000008717:cds"; Parent "CLUHART00000008717";
scaffold625 maker   five_prime_utr  337818  337914  .   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; ID "CLUHART00000008717:five_prime_utr"; Parent "CLUHART00000008717";
scaffold625 maker   start_codon 337916  337918  .   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; ID "CLUHART00000008717:start"; Parent "CLUHART00000008717";
scaffold625 maker   stop_codon  343031  343033  .   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; ID "CLUHART00000008717:stop"; Parent "CLUHART00000008717";
scaffold625 maker   three_prime_utr 343034  343277  .   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; ID "CLUHART00000008717:three_prime_utr"; Parent "CLUHART00000008717"; original_biotype "three_prime_UTR";


gffread 0.11.4

gffread -E 1_test.gff -T -o 1_test_gffread.gtf

scaffold625 maker   transcript  337818  343277  .   +   .   transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 maker   exon    337818  337971  .   +   .   transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 maker   exon    340733  340841  .   +   .   transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 maker   exon    341518  341628  .   +   .   transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 maker   exon    341964  343277  .   +   .   transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 maker   CDS 337915  337971  .   +   0   transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 maker   CDS 340733  340841  .   +   0   transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 maker   CDS 341518  341628  .   +   2   transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 maker   CDS 341964  343033  .   +   2   transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458";


GenomeTools 1.6.1
The help says it convert into GTF2.2

gt gff3_to_gtf 1_test.gff > 1_test_genometools.gtf

scaffold625 maker   exon    337818  337971  .   +   .   gene_id "1"; transcript_id "1.1";
scaffold625 maker   exon    340733  340841  .   +   .   gene_id "1"; transcript_id "1.1";
scaffold625 maker   exon    341518  341628  .   +   .   gene_id "1"; transcript_id "1.1";
scaffold625 maker   exon    341964  343277  .   +   .   gene_id "1"; transcript_id "1.1";
scaffold625 maker   CDS 337915  337971  .   +   0   gene_id "1"; transcript_id "1.1";
scaffold625 maker   CDS 340733  340841  .   +   0   gene_id "1"; transcript_id "1.1";
scaffold625 maker   CDS 341518  341628  .   +   2   gene_id "1"; transcript_id "1.1";
scaffold625 maker   CDS 341964  343033  .   +   2   gene_id "1"; transcript_id "1.1";


ea-utils commit 2b3d8c5d148801c98a2b3f3d54009a72c5b99521

./gff2gtf-eautils test_1.gff > 1_test_ea-utils.gtf

scaffold625 maker   exon    337818  337971  0   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717:CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 maker   CDS 337915  337971  0   +   0   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717:CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 maker   CDS 340733  340841  0   +   0   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717:CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 maker   exon    340733  340841  0   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717:CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 maker   CDS 341518  341628  0   +   2   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717:CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 maker   exon    341518  341628  0   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717:CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 maker   CDS 341964  343033  0   +   2   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717:CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 maker   exon    341964  343277  0   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717:CLUHARG00000005458";


Transdecoder v5.5.0 test_1.gff test_1.fa > 1_test_transdecoder.gtf

scaffold625 maker   gene    337818  343277  0   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; Name "TUBB3_2";
scaffold625 maker   transcript  337818  343277  0   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; Name "TUBB3_2";
scaffold625 maker   exon    337818  337971  0   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; Name "TUBB3_2";
scaffold625 maker   CDS 337818  337971  0   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; Name "TUBB3_2";
scaffold625 maker   exon    340733  340841  0   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; Name "TUBB3_2";
scaffold625 maker   CDS 340733  340841  0   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; Name "TUBB3_2";
scaffold625 maker   exon    341518  341628  0   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; Name "TUBB3_2";
scaffold625 maker   CDS 341518  341628  0   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; Name "TUBB3_2";
scaffold625 maker   exon    341964  343277  0   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; Name "TUBB3_2";
scaffold625 maker   CDS 341964  343277  0   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; Name "TUBB3_2";

Kent utils#

version from 26-Feb-2020

./gff3ToGenePred.dms 1_test.gff temp.genePred ./genePredToGtf.dms file temp.genePred 1_test_genePred.gtf

scaffold625 temp.genePred   transcript  337818  343277  .   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717";  gene_name "CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 temp.genePred   exon    337818  337971  .   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; exon_number "1"; exon_id "CLUHART00000008717.1"; gene_name "CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 temp.genePred   CDS 337915  337971  .   +   0   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; exon_number "1"; exon_id "CLUHART00000008717.1"; gene_name "CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 temp.genePred   exon    340733  340841  .   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; exon_number "2"; exon_id "CLUHART00000008717.2"; gene_name "CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 temp.genePred   CDS 340733  340841  .   +   0   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; exon_number "2"; exon_id "CLUHART00000008717.2"; gene_name "CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 temp.genePred   exon    341518  341628  .   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; exon_number "3"; exon_id "CLUHART00000008717.3"; gene_name "CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 temp.genePred   CDS 341518  341628  .   +   2   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; exon_number "3"; exon_id "CLUHART00000008717.3"; gene_name "CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 temp.genePred   exon    341964  343277  .   +   .   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; exon_number "4"; exon_id "CLUHART00000008717.4"; gene_name "CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 temp.genePred   CDS 341964  343030  .   +   2   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; exon_number "4"; exon_id "CLUHART00000008717.4"; gene_name "CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 temp.genePred   start_codon 337915  337917  .   +   0   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; exon_number "1"; exon_id "CLUHART00000008717.1"; gene_name "CLUHARG00000005458";
scaffold625 temp.genePred   stop_codon  343031  343033  .   +   0   gene_id "CLUHARG00000005458"; transcript_id "CLUHART00000008717"; exon_number "4"; exon_id "CLUHART00000008717.4"; gene_name "CLUHARG00000005458";

Feature types in GTF versions#

GTF version feature type accepted
GTF3 gene, transcript, exon, CDS, Selenocysteine, start_codon, stop_codon, three_prime_utr, five_prime_utr
GTF2_5 gene, transcript, exon, CDS, UTR, start_codon, stop_codon, Selenocysteine
GTF2_2 CDS, start_codon, stop_codon, 5UTR, 3UTR, inter, inter_CNS, intron_CNS, exon
GTF2_1 CDS, start_codon, stop_codon, exon, 5UTR, 3UTR
GTF2 CDS, start_codon, stop_codon, exon
GTF1 CDS, start_codon, stop_codon, exon, intron