Preparations for accepted participants

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Preparing for the workshop

This course includes a series of hands-on computer exercises and you need to prepare by ensuring that you have access to the accounts and software that you will use. If you need help you can join the Pre-course Q&A session (see course schedule).


Life Science ID

The Life Science Login enables researchers to use their home organisation credentials or community or other identities (e.g. Google, Linkedin) to sign in and access data and services they need.

SciLifeLab DSW account

SciLifeLab DSW is an online service for creating data management plans from questionnaires using the Data Stewardship Wizard (DSW) software tool.

GitHub account

GitHub is a widely used cloud platform for hosting and sharing Git repositories for collaborative versioning. It offers a web interface and provides functionality and a mixture of both free and paid services for working with such repositories.

Studium (Canvas) account

We will use the learning platform Studium (Canvas) for course materials and communication. We will create accounts for you, and you will receive login information in a separate mail before the course starts.

  • Accept invitation sent to your email


You might need to contact your local IT department, if you don’t have administrative rights on your laptop, and ask them to do the installation.

Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari

A browser that is compatible with the tools and services used in this workshop. We have tested the content using Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari. Please configure your computer to use one of these as your default web browser.

A text editor of your choice

a text editor can open, edit and save files as plain text (ren text) that only contains characters (e.g., letters, symbols and spaces). You will often find that a text editor is installed on your computer.

RStudio Desktop & R

RStudio Desktop is a set of integrated tools designed to help you be more productive with R and Python. R is a piece of software that allows you to run programs written in the R programming language.

  1. Install by following instructions at: (Note: Select the latest version of R for your plattform, e.g. R 4.1.1 for macOS and Windows at the time of writing)
  2. Install the tidyverse R package by following instructions at:

Microsoft Excel

a commercial spreadsheet software, please consult your IT department for instructions on how to get access to the software. You may use another spreadsheet software but you will be expected to know how to navigate the menus to access features for data validation, value formatting (numbers/dates/etc) and importing and exporting CSV/TSV files.


a powerful tool for working with messy data: cleaning it; transforming it from one format into another; and extending it with web services and external data.

(Optional) A Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

A JRE is a piece of software that is designed to run Java-based software. There are many JRE:s to choose from with varying licensing conditions. Please consult your IT department before choosing your runtime. (Note: Oracle changed its licensing agreements in April 2019 and may not be advisable for use at some universities).